[Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/plugins check_snmp.c,1.19,1.20

Karl DeBisschop kdebisschop at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Nov 15 21:00:03 CET 2002

Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv27222/plugins

Modified Files:
Log Message:
my take on Subhendu's patches, plus a few comments for clarity

Index: check_snmp.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins/check_snmp.c,v
retrieving revision 1.19
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -C2 -r1.19 -r1.20
*** check_snmp.c	15 Nov 2002 17:47:03 -0000	1.19
--- check_snmp.c	16 Nov 2002 04:59:35 -0000	1.20
*** 176,180 ****
  char *server_address = NULL;
! char *community = NULL;
  char *authpriv = NULL;
  char *proto = NULL;
--- 176,180 ----
  char *server_address = NULL;
! char *community = DEFAULT_COMMUNITY;
  char *authpriv = NULL;
  char *proto = NULL;
*** 185,190 ****
  char *privpasswd = NULL;
  char *oid = "";
! char *label = NULL;
! char *units = NULL;
  char *port = DEFAULT_PORT;
  char string_value[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER] = "";
--- 185,190 ----
  char *privpasswd = NULL;
  char *oid = "";
! char *label = "SNMP";
! char *units = "";
  char *port = DEFAULT_PORT;
  char string_value[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER] = "";
*** 204,210 ****
  int check_critical_value = FALSE;
  int eval_method[MAX_OIDS];
! char *delimiter = NULL;
! char *output_delim = NULL;
! char *miblist = NULL;
--- 204,210 ----
  int check_critical_value = FALSE;
  int eval_method[MAX_OIDS];
! char *delimiter = DEFAULT_DELIMITER;
! char *output_delim = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DELIMITER;
! char *miblist = DEFAULT_MIBLIST;
*** 220,224 ****
  	char *response = NULL;
  	char *outbuff = "";
! 	char *output = NULL;
  	char *ptr = NULL;
  	char *p2 = NULL;
--- 220,224 ----
  	char *response = NULL;
  	char *outbuff = "";
! 	char *output = "";
  	char *ptr = NULL;
  	char *p2 = NULL;
*** 252,256 ****
- 	asprintf (&output, "");
  	while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process))
  		asprintf (&output, "%s%s", output, input_buffer);
--- 252,255 ----
*** 294,297 ****
--- 293,297 ----
+ 		/* We strip out the datatype indicator for PHBs */
  		if (strstr (response, "Gauge: "))
  			show = strstr (response, "Gauge: ") + 7;
*** 306,315 ****
  		iresult = STATE_DEPENDENT;
! 		if (eval_method[i] & CRIT_PRESENT) {
! 			iresult = STATE_CRITICAL;
! 		} else if (eval_method[i] & WARN_PRESENT) {
! 			iresult = STATE_WARNING;
! 		}
  		if (eval_method[i] & CRIT_GT ||
  		    eval_method[i] & CRIT_LT ||
--- 306,310 ----
  		iresult = STATE_DEPENDENT;
! 		/* Process this block for integer comparisons */
  		if (eval_method[i] & CRIT_GT ||
  		    eval_method[i] & CRIT_LT ||
*** 328,334 ****
  			iresult = check_num (i);
  			asprintf (&show, "%lu", response_value[i]);
- 			/*asprintf (&show, "%s", response); */
  		else if (eval_method[i] & CRIT_STRING) {
  			if (strcmp (response, string_value))
--- 323,329 ----
  			iresult = check_num (i);
  			asprintf (&show, "%lu", response_value[i]);
+ 		/* Process this block for string matching */
  		else if (eval_method[i] & CRIT_STRING) {
  			if (strcmp (response, string_value))
*** 338,341 ****
--- 333,337 ----
+ 		/* Process this block for regex matching */
  		else if (eval_method[i] & CRIT_REGEX) {
  #ifdef HAVE_REGEX_H
*** 353,371 ****
! 			printf ("SNMP UNKNOWN: call for regex which was not a compiled option");
  			exit (STATE_UNKNOWN);
  		else {
! 			if (response && iresult == STATE_DEPENDENT) 
! 				iresult = STATE_OK;
! 			else if (eval_method[i] & CRIT_PRESENT)
  				iresult = STATE_CRITICAL;
  			else if (eval_method[i] & WARN_PRESENT)
  				iresult = STATE_WARNING;
  		result = max_state (result, iresult);
  		if (nlabels > 1 && i < nlabels && labels[i] != NULL)
  			asprintf (&outbuff, "%s%s%s %s%s%s", outbuff,
--- 349,371 ----
! 			printf ("%s UNKNOWN: call for regex which was not a compiled option", label);
  			exit (STATE_UNKNOWN);
+ 		/* Process this block for existence-nonexistence checks */
  		else {
! 			if (eval_method[i] & CRIT_PRESENT)
  				iresult = STATE_CRITICAL;
  			else if (eval_method[i] & WARN_PRESENT)
  				iresult = STATE_WARNING;
+ 			else if (response && iresult == STATE_DEPENDENT) 
+ 				iresult = STATE_OK;
+ 		/* Result is the worst outcome of all the OIDs tested */
  		result = max_state (result, iresult);
+ 		/* Prepend a label for this OID if there is one */
  		if (nlabels > 1 && i < nlabels && labels[i] != NULL)
  			asprintf (&outbuff, "%s%s%s %s%s%s", outbuff,
*** 376,380 ****
  			          mark (iresult), show, mark (iresult));
! 		if (nunits > 0 && i < nunits)
  			asprintf (&outbuff, "%s %s", outbuff, unitv[i]);
--- 376,381 ----
  			          mark (iresult), show, mark (iresult));
! 		/* Append a unit string for this OID if there is one */
! 		if (nunits > 0 && i < nunits && unitv[i] != NULL)
  			asprintf (&outbuff, "%s %s", outbuff, unitv[i]);
*** 414,418 ****
  	char *ptr;
  	int c = 1;
! 	int j = 0, jj = 0;
  #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H
--- 415,419 ----
  	char *ptr;
  	int c = 1;
! 	int j = 0, jj = 0, ii = 0;
  #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H
*** 480,483 ****
--- 481,516 ----
  			verbose = TRUE;
+ 	/* Connection info */
+ 		case 'C':									/* group or community */
+ 			community = strscpy (community, optarg);
+ 			break;
+ 		case 'H':									/* Host or server */
+ 			server_address = strscpy (server_address, optarg);
+ 			break;
+ 		case 'p':       /* TCP port number */
+ 			port = strscpy(port, optarg);
+ 			break;
+ 		case 'm':      /* List of MIBS  */
+ 			miblist = strscpy(miblist, optarg);
+ 			break;
+ 		case 'P':     /* SNMP protocol version */
+ 			proto = strscpy(proto, optarg);
+ 			break;
+ 		case 'L':     /* security level */
+ 			seclevel = strscpy(seclevel,optarg);
+ 			break;
+ 		case 'U':     /* security username */
+ 			secname = strscpy(secname, optarg);
+ 			break;
+ 		case 'a':     /* auth protocol */
+ 			asprintf (&authproto, optarg);
+ 			break;
+ 		case 'A':     /* auth passwd */
+ 			authpasswd = strscpy(authpasswd, optarg);
+ 			break;
+ 		case 'X':     /* priv passwd */
+ 			privpasswd = strscpy(privpasswd, optarg);
+ 			break;
  		case 't':	/* timeout period */
  			if (!is_integer (optarg))
*** 485,504 ****
  			timeout_interval = atoi (optarg);
! 		case 'e': /* PRELIMINARY - may change */
! 			eval_method[j] |= WARN_PRESENT;
! 			for (ptr = optarg; (ptr = index (ptr, ',')); ptr++)
! 				ptr[0] = ' '; /* relpace comma with space */
! 			for (ptr = optarg; (ptr = index (ptr, ' ')); ptr++)
! 				eval_method[++j] |= WARN_PRESENT;
! 			asprintf (&oid, "%s %s", (oid?oid:""), optarg);
! 			break;
! 		case 'E': /* PRELIMINARY - may change */
! 			eval_method[j] |= WARN_PRESENT;
! 			for (ptr = optarg; (ptr = index (ptr, ',')); ptr++)
! 				ptr[0] = ' '; /* relpace comma with space */
! 			for (ptr = optarg; (ptr = index (ptr, ' ')); ptr++)
! 				eval_method[++j] |= CRIT_PRESENT;
! 			asprintf (&oid, "%s %s", (oid?oid:""), optarg);
! 			break;
  		case 'c':									/* critical time threshold */
  			if (strspn (optarg, "0123456789:,") < strlen (optarg)) {
--- 518,523 ----
  			timeout_interval = atoi (optarg);
! 	/* Test parameters */
  		case 'c':									/* critical time threshold */
  			if (strspn (optarg, "0123456789:,") < strlen (optarg)) {
*** 507,511 ****
  				exit (STATE_UNKNOWN);
! 			for (ptr = optarg, jj = 0; ptr && jj < MAX_OIDS; jj++) {
  				if (lu_getll (&lower_crit_lim[jj], ptr) == 1)
  					eval_method[jj] |= CRIT_LT;
--- 526,530 ----
  				exit (STATE_UNKNOWN);
! 			for (ptr = optarg; ptr && jj < MAX_OIDS; jj++) {
  				if (lu_getll (&lower_crit_lim[jj], ptr) == 1)
  					eval_method[jj] |= CRIT_LT;
*** 521,539 ****
  				exit (STATE_UNKNOWN);
! 			for (ptr = optarg, jj = 0; ptr && jj < MAX_OIDS; jj++) {
! 				if (lu_getll (&lower_warn_lim[jj], ptr) == 1)
! 					eval_method[jj] |= WARN_LT;
! 				if (lu_getul (&upper_warn_lim[jj], ptr) == 1)
! 					eval_method[jj] |= WARN_GT;
  				(ptr = index (ptr, ',')) ? ptr++ : ptr;
- 		case 'H':									/* Host or server */
- 			server_address = strscpy (server_address, optarg);
- 			break;
- 		case 'C':									/* group or community */
- 			community = strscpy (community, optarg);
- 			break;
  		case 'o':									/* object identifier */
  			for (ptr = optarg; (ptr = index (ptr, ',')); ptr++)
  				ptr[0] = ' '; /* relpace comma with space */
--- 540,554 ----
  				exit (STATE_UNKNOWN);
! 			for (ptr = optarg; ptr && ii < MAX_OIDS; ii++) {
! 				if (lu_getll (&lower_warn_lim[ii], ptr) == 1)
! 					eval_method[ii] |= WARN_LT;
! 				if (lu_getul (&upper_warn_lim[ii], ptr) == 1)
! 					eval_method[ii] |= WARN_GT;
  				(ptr = index (ptr, ',')) ? ptr++ : ptr;
  		case 'o':									/* object identifier */
+ 		case 'e': /* PRELIMINARY - may change */
+ 		case 'E': /* PRELIMINARY - may change */
  			for (ptr = optarg; (ptr = index (ptr, ',')); ptr++)
  				ptr[0] = ' '; /* relpace comma with space */
*** 541,555 ****
  				j++; /* count OIDs */
  			asprintf (&oid, "%s %s", (oid?oid:""), optarg);
! 			break;
! 		case 'd':									/* delimiter */
! 			delimiter = strscpy (delimiter, optarg);
! 			break;
! 		case 'D':									/* output-delimiter */
! 			output_delim = strscpy (output_delim, optarg);
  		case 's':									/* string or substring */
  			strncpy (string_value, optarg, sizeof (string_value) - 1);
  			string_value[sizeof (string_value) - 1] = 0;
! 			eval_method[jj] = CRIT_STRING;
  		case 'R':									/* regex */
--- 556,573 ----
  				j++; /* count OIDs */
  			asprintf (&oid, "%s %s", (oid?oid:""), optarg);
! 			if (c == 'E' || c == 'e') {
! 				jj++;
! 				ii++;
! 			}
! 			if (c == 'E') 
! 				eval_method[j+1] |= WARN_PRESENT;
! 			else if (c == 'e')
! 				eval_method[j+1] |= CRIT_PRESENT;
  		case 's':									/* string or substring */
  			strncpy (string_value, optarg, sizeof (string_value) - 1);
  			string_value[sizeof (string_value) - 1] = 0;
! 			eval_method[jj++] = CRIT_STRING;
! 			ii++;
  		case 'R':									/* regex */
*** 568,577 ****
  				return ERROR;
! 			eval_method[jj] = CRIT_REGEX;
! 			printf ("SNMP UNKNOWN: call for regex which was not a compiled option");
  			exit (STATE_UNKNOWN);
  		case 'l':									/* label */
  			label = optarg;
--- 586,604 ----
  				return ERROR;
! 			eval_method[jj++] = CRIT_REGEX;
! 			ii++;
! 			printf ("%s UNKNOWN: call for regex which was not a compiled option", label);
  			exit (STATE_UNKNOWN);
+ 	/* Format */
+ 		case 'd':									/* delimiter */
+ 			delimiter = strscpy (delimiter, optarg);
+ 			break;
+ 		case 'D':									/* output-delimiter */
+ 			output_delim = strscpy (output_delim, optarg);
+ 			break;
  		case 'l':									/* label */
  			label = optarg;
*** 636,663 ****
- 		case 'p':       /* TCP port number */
- 			port = strscpy(port, optarg);
- 			break;
- 		case 'm':      /* List of MIBS  */
- 			miblist = strscpy(miblist, optarg);
- 			break;
- 		case 'P':     /* SNMP protocol version */
- 			proto = strscpy(proto, optarg);
- 			break;
- 		case 'L':     /* security level */
- 			seclevel = strscpy(seclevel,optarg);
- 			break;
- 		case 'U':     /* security username */
- 			secname = strscpy(secname, optarg);
- 			break;
- 		case 'a':     /* auth protocol */
- 			asprintf (&authproto, optarg);
- 			break;
- 		case 'A':     /* auth passwd */
- 			authpasswd = strscpy(authpasswd, optarg);
- 			break;
- 		case 'X':     /* priv passwd */
- 			privpasswd = strscpy(privpasswd, optarg);
- 			break;
--- 663,666 ----
*** 693,714 ****
  validate_arguments ()
- 	if (community == NULL)
- 		asprintf (&community, DEFAULT_COMMUNITY);
- 	if (delimiter == NULL)
- 		asprintf (&delimiter, DEFAULT_DELIMITER);
- 	if (output_delim == NULL)
- 		asprintf (&output_delim, DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DELIMITER);
- 	if (miblist == NULL)
- 		asprintf (&miblist, DEFAULT_MIBLIST);
- 	if (label == NULL)
- 		asprintf (&label, "SNMP");
- 	if (units == NULL)
- 		asprintf (&units, "");
  	/* Need better checks to verify seclevel and authproto choices */
--- 696,699 ----

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