[Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/plugins check_disk.c,1.15,1.16

Karl DeBisschop kdebisschop at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Mar 21 06:09:02 CET 2003

Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv8679/plugins

Modified Files:
Log Message:
checkpoint, allows selecting devices and paths now

Index: check_disk.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins/check_disk.c,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -C2 -r1.15 -r1.16
*** check_disk.c	19 Mar 2003 12:59:38 -0000	1.15
--- check_disk.c	21 Mar 2003 14:08:01 -0000	1.16
*** 92,99 ****
  /* A filesystem type to display. */
! struct fs_type_list
!   char *fs_name;
!   struct fs_type_list *fs_next;
--- 92,99 ----
  /* A filesystem type to display. */
! struct name_list
!   char *name;
!   struct name_list *name_next;
*** 109,118 ****
     4.2 4.3 ufs nfs swap ignore io vm efs dbg */
! static struct fs_type_list *fs_select_list;
  /* Linked list of filesystem types to omit.
     If the list is empty, don't exclude any types.  */
! static struct fs_type_list *fs_exclude_list;
  /* Linked list of mounted filesystems. */
--- 109,122 ----
     4.2 4.3 ufs nfs swap ignore io vm efs dbg */
! static struct name_list *fs_select_list;
  /* Linked list of filesystem types to omit.
     If the list is empty, don't exclude any types.  */
! static struct name_list *fs_exclude_list;
! static struct name_list *path_select_list;
! static struct name_list *dev_select_list;
  /* Linked list of mounted filesystems. */
*** 170,195 ****
  	char *disk;
  	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) != OK)
  		usage ("Could not parse arguments\n");
- 	mount_list = read_filesystem_list (0);
    for (me = mount_list; me; me = me->me_next) {
! 		get_fs_usage (me->me_mountdir, me->me_devname, &fsp);
  		if (fsp.fsu_blocks && strcmp ("none", me->me_mountdir)) {
  			usp = (fsp.fsu_blocks - fsp.fsu_bavail) * 100 / fsp.fsu_blocks;
  			disk_result = check_disk (usp, fsp.fsu_bavail);
  			result = max_state (disk_result, result);
! 			asprintf (&output, "%s %llu of %llu kB (%2.0f%%) free (%d-byte blocks) on %s (%s) %d\n",
! 			          fsp.fsu_bavail*fsp.fsu_blocksize/1024,
! 			          fsp.fsu_blocks*fsp.fsu_blocksize/1024,
! 			          fsp.fsu_blocksize,
! 			          me->me_mountdir,
! 			          me->me_type, usp);
- 	}
  	terminate (result, "DISK %s %s\n", state_text (result), output);
--- 174,207 ----
  	char *disk;
+ 	mount_list = read_filesystem_list (0);
  	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) != OK)
  		usage ("Could not parse arguments\n");
    for (me = mount_list; me; me = me->me_next) {
! 		if ((dev_select_list &&
! 		     ! strcmp (dev_select_list->name, me->me_devname)) ||
! 		    (path_select_list &&
! 		     ! strcmp (path_select_list->name, me->me_mountdir)))
! 			get_fs_usage (me->me_mountdir, me->me_devname, &fsp);
! 		else if (dev_select_list || path_select_list)
! 			continue;
! 		else
! 			get_fs_usage (me->me_mountdir, me->me_devname, &fsp);
  		if (fsp.fsu_blocks && strcmp ("none", me->me_mountdir)) {
  			usp = (fsp.fsu_blocks - fsp.fsu_bavail) * 100 / fsp.fsu_blocks;
  			disk_result = check_disk (usp, fsp.fsu_bavail);
  			result = max_state (disk_result, result);
! 			asprintf (&output, "%s %llu of %llu MB (%2.0f%%) free on %s\n",
! 			          fsp.fsu_bavail*fsp.fsu_blocksize/1024/1024,
! 			          fsp.fsu_blocks*fsp.fsu_blocksize/1024/1024,
! 			          display_mntp ? me->me_devname : me->me_mountdir);
+ 	}
  	terminate (result, "DISK %s %s\n", state_text (result), output);
*** 201,204 ****
--- 213,219 ----
  	int c;
+   struct name_list *se;
+   struct name_list **pathtail = &path_select_list;
+   struct name_list **devtail = &dev_select_list;
  	int option_index = 0;
*** 214,217 ****
--- 229,233 ----
  		{"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
  		{"mountpoint", no_argument, 0, 'm'},
+ 		{"device", no_argument, 0, 'd'},
  		{"exclude_device", required_argument, 0, 'x'},
  		{"quiet", no_argument, 0, 'q'},
*** 228,232 ****
  	while (1) {
! 		c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "+?Vqhvet:c:w:p:x:m", long_options, &option_index);
  		if (c == -1 || c == EOF)
--- 244,248 ----
  	while (1) {
! 		c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "+?Vqhvet:c:w:p:d:x:m", long_options, &option_index);
  		if (c == -1 || c == EOF)
*** 275,279 ****
  		case 'p':									/* path or partition */
! 			path = optarg;
  		case 'v':									/* verbose */
--- 291,304 ----
  		case 'p':									/* path or partition */
! 			se = (struct name_list *) malloc (sizeof (struct name_list));
! 			se->name = strdup (optarg);
! 			*pathtail = se;
! 			pathtail = &se->name_next;
! 			break;
! 		case 'd':									/* path or partition */
! 			se = (struct name_list *) malloc (sizeof (struct name_list));
! 			se->name = strdup (optarg);
! 			*devtail = se;
! 			devtail = &se->name_next;
  		case 'v':									/* verbose */

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