[Nagiosplug-checkins] nagiosplug/contrib check_wins.pl,1.2,1.3

Stanley Hopcroft stanleyhopcroft at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Nov 24 20:47:06 CET 2004

Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/contrib
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv23897

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Non functional tidy ups to check_wins

Index: check_wins.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/contrib/check_wins.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- check_wins.pl	20 Aug 2003 08:31:49 -0000	1.2
+++ check_wins.pl	25 Nov 2004 04:46:16 -0000	1.3
@@ -1,251 +1,248 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id$
 # $Log$
+# Revision 1.3  2004/11/25 04:46:16  stanleyhopcroft
+# Non functional tidy ups to check_wins
 # Revision 1.2  2003/08/20 08:31:49  tonvoon
 # Changed netsaint to nagios in use lib
 # Revision 1.1  2003/02/09 14:16:28  sghosh
 # more contribs
-use strict ;
-use Getopt::Long ;
-use vars qw($opt_H $opt_D $opt_W $opt_T $debug @my_dcs);
-use lib '/usr/local/nagios/libexec/' ;
-use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage);
-my $PROGNAME = 'check_wins' ;
-use constant SAMBA_DEBUG_LVL	=> 2 ;
-use constant MY_DCS 		=> ('dc1','dc2') ;
-# use constant MY_DCS 		=> qw(ipa01 ipa02 ipa03) ;
-my $NMBLOOKUP_PATH		= '/usr/bin/nmblookup' ;
-my $NMBLOOKUP			= sub { return `$NMBLOOKUP_PATH $_[2] -R -U $_[0] $_[1]` } ;
-sub print_help ();
-sub print_usage ();
-sub help ();
-sub version ();
-delete @ENV{'PATH', 'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
-$SIG{"ALRM"} = sub { die "Alarm clock restart" } ;
-Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling', 'no_ignore_case');
-        ("V|version"     => \&version,
-         "h|help"        => \&help,
-         "d|debug"       => \$debug,
-	 "C|controllers:s" => \@my_dcs,
-         "T|timeout:i"	 => \$opt_T,
-         "W|wins=s"	 => \$opt_W,
-         "D|domain=s"    => \$opt_D);
-($opt_D) || usage("MS Domain name not specified\n");
-my $domain = $1 if $opt_D =~ m#(\w+)# ;                # NetBIOS names allow __any__ characters (more than \w)
-($domain) || usage("Invalid MS D name: $opt_D\n");
-($opt_W) || usage("WINS hostname or address not specified\n");
-my $wins = $1 if $opt_W =~ m#((?:^\w+$)|(?:\d+(?:\.\d+){3,3}$))# ;
-($wins) || usage("Invalid WINS hostname or address: $opt_W\n");
-usage("You must provide the names of your domain controllers by updating MY_DCS in the text or use -C dc_name1 -C dc_name2 ..\n")
-  unless (@my_dcs or MY_DCS) ;
- at my_dcs = MY_DCS	unless defined $my_dcs[0] ;
-$TIMEOUT = $opt_T	if defined $opt_T ;
-my ($netbios_name, @dcs_of_domain, @dc_addresses) ;
-my (@addr_dcs_of_domain, @found_dcs, %address2dc) ;
-my (@dc_query) ;
-# tsitc> /usr/local/samba/bin/nmblookup -R -U wins ipa01
-# Sending queries to
-# ipa01<00>
-eval {
-  alarm($TIMEOUT) ;
-  @dc_query = $debug ? map { $NMBLOOKUP->($wins, "$_#20", '-d ' . SAMBA_DEBUG_LVL) } @my_dcs :
-		       map { ( $NMBLOOKUP->($wins, "$_#20", '') )[1] } @my_dcs ;
-  alarm(0) ;
-} ;
-if ($@ and $@ =~ /Alarm clock restart/) {
-  print qq(Failed. Timeout while waiting for response from  (one of) "$NMBLOOKUP_CMD $wins @my_dcs"\n) ;
-  exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;
-if ($@ and $@ !~ /Alarm clock restart/) {
-  print qq(Failed. "$@" in response to "NMBLOOKUP_CMD $wins @my_dcs"\n) ;
-  exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"} ;
-chomp @dc_query ;
-if ( scalar grep(/name_query failed/, @dc_query) ) {
-  print qq(Failed. WINS "$wins" failed to resolve), scalar @my_dcs > 1 ? ' at least one of ' : ' ', qq("@my_dcs", the domain controller(s) of "$domain". Got "@dc_query"\n) ;
-  exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;
-# the results of looking up the DCs (by their name) in the WINS 
-# ipa01<20>
-# ipa02<20>
-# ipa03<20>
- at dc_addresses = () ;
-foreach (@dc_query) {
-  next unless /^(\S+)\s+(\S+?)<\S+?>$/ ;
-  $address2dc{$1} = $2 ;
-  push @dc_addresses, $1 ;
-$netbios_name = "$domain#1C"  ;
-eval {
-  alarm($TIMEOUT) ;
-  @dcs_of_domain = $NMBLOOKUP->($wins, $netbios_name, defined $debug ? '-d ' . SAMBA_DEBUG_LVL : '') ;
-  alarm(0) ;
-} ;
-if ($@ and $@ =~ /Alarm clock restart/) {
-  print qq(Failed. Timeout while waiting for response from "$NMBLOOKUP_CMD $wins $netbios_name"\n) ;
-  exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;
-if ($@ and $@ !~ /Alarm clock restart/) {
-  print qq(Failed. "$@" in response to "$NMBLOOKUP_CMD $wins $netbios_name"\n) ;
-  exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"} ;
-shift @dcs_of_domain ;
-chomp @dcs_of_domain ;
- at addr_dcs_of_domain = map /^(\S+)/, @dcs_of_domain ;
-# tsitc> /usr/local/samba/bin/nmblookup -R -U wins ipaustralia#1c
-# Sending queries to
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# ipaustralia<1c>
-# tsitc> 
-my %x ;
- at found_dcs = grep { ! $x{$_}++ } @address2dc{ grep exists $address2dc{$_}, @addr_dcs_of_domain} ;
-# @found_dcs = grep { defined $_} @address2dc{ grep exists $address2dc{$_}, @addr_dcs_of_domain} ;
-								# Gotcha.
-								# 'exists' is necessary to prevent autovivificatiton
-								# of keys in %address2dc
-if ( &set_eq( \@found_dcs, [ values %address2dc ] ) ) {
-  print $debug ? qq(Ok. WINS named "$wins" resolved addresses of "@my_dcs" as "@dc_query" and controllers of domain "$domain" as "@dcs_of_domain"\n) :
-		 qq(Ok. Found controllers named "@my_dcs" in response to "$domain#1C" name query from WINS named "$wins".\n) ;
-  exit $ERRORS{"OK"} ;
-} elsif ( scalar @found_dcs == 0 ) {
-  print qq(Failed. Found __no__ controllers named "@my_dcs" in response to "$domain#1C" query from WINS named "$wins". Got "@dcs_of_domain"\n) ;
-  exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;
-} elsif ( scalar @found_dcs < scalar keys %address2dc ) {
-  print qq(Warning. Not all domain controllers found in response to "$domain#1C" query from WINS named "$wins". Expected "@my_dcs", got "@found_dcs"\n) ;
-  exit $ERRORS{"WARNING"} ;
-sub set_eq {
-  return 0 unless scalar @{$_[0]} == scalar @{$_[1]} ;
-  foreach my $a ( @{$_[0]} ) {
-    return 0 unless scalar grep { $a eq $_ } @{$_[1]} ;
-  } 
-  return 1 ;
-sub print_usage () {
-	print "Usage: $PROGNAME -W <wins> -D <domain>\n";
-sub print_help () {
-	print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision$ ');
-	print "Copyright (c) 2001 Karl DeBisschop/S Hopcroft
-Perl Check WINS plugin for NetSaint.
-Returns OK if the addresses of domain controllers are found in the list of domain controllers returned in the WINS response to a 'domain controllers query' 
-Why would you want to do this ?
-MS File server clients insist on connecting to file servers using NetBIOS names.
-If they __don't__ resolve NetBIOS names with a WINS (NBNS) then they'll either fail to logon and  connect to shares or they will
-broadcast requsts for names.
-Both problems are eliminated by a healthy WINS.
-Also, you may have a MS domain spanning a  number of WAN connected sites, with domain controllers far away from powerful local
-domain controllers.
-In this case, you want your local clients to have their logon requests validated by the local controllers.
-The plugin works by
-  asking the WINS to resolve the addresses of the domain controllers (supplied by -C or from the constant MY_DCS)
-  asking the WINS to return the list of addresses of the domain controllers able to validate requests for the domain
-   whose name is given by -D
-  returning Ok		if all controller addresses are in that list (of addresses of domain controllers) or
-  returning WARNING	if not all the controller addresses are in the list or
-  returning CRITICAL	if there is no reply from the WINS or the list contains none of the contoller addresses
-	print_usage();
-	print '
--W, --wins=STRING
-   Hostname or address of the WINS (Either Samba/nmbd or MS product)
--D, --domain=STRING
-   MS Domain name to find the Domain controllers of.
--C, --controllers:STRING
-   Optional __name(s)__ of domain controller that __must__ be found in the response to a domain controller name query.
-   If not defined, then use the constant value MY_DCS. You must use either -C or make sure that MY_DCS contains the names 
-   of __your__ domain controllers.
--T, --timeout:INTEGER
--d, --debug
-   Debugging output.
--h, --help
-   This stuff.
-	support();
-sub version () {
-	print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision$ ');
-	exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
-sub help () {
-	print_help();
-	exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
+use strict ;
+use Getopt::Long ;
+use vars qw($opt_H $opt_D $opt_W $opt_T $debug @my_dcs);
+use lib '/usr/local/nagios/libexec/' ;
+use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage);
+my $PROGNAME = 'check_wins' ;
+use constant SAMBA_DEBUG_LVL	=> 2 ;
+use constant MY_DCS 		=> ('dc1','dc2') ;
+my $NMBLOOKUP_PATH		= '/usr/bin/nmblookup' ;
+my $NMBLOOKUP			= sub { return `$NMBLOOKUP_PATH $_[2] -R -U $_[0] $_[1]` } ;
+sub print_help ();
+sub print_usage ();
+sub help ();
+sub version ();
+delete @ENV{'PATH', 'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
+$SIG{"ALRM"} = sub { die "Alarm clock restart" } ;
+Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling', 'no_ignore_case');
+        ("V|version"     => \&version,
+         "h|help"        => \&help,
+         "d|debug"       => \$debug,
+	 "C|controllers:s" => \@my_dcs,
+         "T|timeout:i"	 => \$opt_T,
+         "W|wins=s"	 => \$opt_W,
+         "D|domain=s"    => \$opt_D);
+($opt_D) || usage("MS Domain name not specified\n");
+my $domain = $1 if $opt_D =~ m#(\w+)# ;                # NetBIOS names allow __any__ characters (more than \w)
+($domain) || usage("Invalid MS D name: $opt_D\n");
+($opt_W) || usage("WINS hostname or address not specified\n");
+my $wins = $1 if $opt_W =~ m#((?:^\w+$)|(?:\d+(?:\.\d+){3,3}$))# ;
+($wins) || usage("Invalid WINS hostname or address: $opt_W\n");
+usage("You must provide the names of your domain controllers by updating MY_DCS in the text or use -C dc_name1 -C dc_name2 ..\n")
+  unless (@my_dcs or MY_DCS) ;
+ at my_dcs = MY_DCS	unless defined $my_dcs[0] ;
+$TIMEOUT = $opt_T	if defined $opt_T ;
+my ($netbios_name, @dcs_of_domain, @dc_addresses) ;
+my (@addr_dcs_of_domain, @found_dcs, %address2dc) ;
+my (@dc_query) ;
+# tsitc> /usr/local/samba/bin/nmblookup -R -U wins ipa01
+# Sending queries to
+# ipa01<00>
+eval {
+  alarm($TIMEOUT) ;
+  @dc_query = $debug ? map { $NMBLOOKUP->($wins, "$_#20", '-d ' . SAMBA_DEBUG_LVL) } @my_dcs :
+		       map { ( $NMBLOOKUP->($wins, "$_#20", '') )[1] } @my_dcs ;
+  alarm(0) ;
+} ;
+if ($@ and $@ =~ /Alarm clock restart/) {
+  print qq(Failed. Timeout while waiting for response from  (one of) "$NMBLOOKUP_CMD $wins @my_dcs"\n) ;
+  exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;
+if ($@ and $@ !~ /Alarm clock restart/) {
+  print qq(Failed. "$@" in response to "NMBLOOKUP_CMD $wins @my_dcs"\n) ;
+  exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"} ;
+chomp @dc_query ;
+if ( scalar grep(/name_query failed/, @dc_query) ) {
+  print qq(Failed. WINS "$wins" failed to resolve), scalar @my_dcs > 1 ? ' at least one of ' : ' ', qq("@my_dcs", the domain controller(s) of "$domain". Got "@dc_query"\n) ;
+  exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;
+=begin comment
+the results of looking up the DCs (by their name) in the WINS 
+ ipa01<20>
+ ipa02<20>
+ ipa03<20>
+=end comment
+ at dc_addresses = () ;
+foreach (@dc_query) {
+  next unless /^(\S+)\s+(\S+?)<\S+?>$/ ;
+  $address2dc{$1} = $2 ;
+  push @dc_addresses, $1 ;
+$netbios_name = "$domain#1C"  ;
+eval {
+  alarm($TIMEOUT) ;
+  @dcs_of_domain = $NMBLOOKUP->($wins, $netbios_name, defined $debug ? '-d ' . SAMBA_DEBUG_LVL : '') ;
+  alarm(0) ;
+} ;
+if ($@ and $@ =~ /Alarm clock restart/) {
+  print qq(Failed. Timeout while waiting for response from "$NMBLOOKUP_CMD $wins $netbios_name"\n) ;
+  exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;
+if ($@ and $@ !~ /Alarm clock restart/) {
+  print qq(Failed. "$@" in response to "$NMBLOOKUP_CMD $wins $netbios_name"\n) ;
+  exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"} ;
+shift @dcs_of_domain ;
+chomp @dcs_of_domain ;
+ at addr_dcs_of_domain = map /^(\S+)/, @dcs_of_domain ;
+=begin comment
+tsitc> /usr/local/samba/bin/nmblookup -R -U wins ipaustralia#1c
+Sending queries to
+ ipaustralia<1c>
+ ipaustralia<1c>
+ ipaustralia<1c>
+ ipaustralia<1c>
+ ipaustralia<1c>
+ ipaustralia<1c>
+ ipaustralia<1c>
+=end comment
+my %x ;
+ at found_dcs = grep { ! $x{$_}++ } @address2dc{ grep exists $address2dc{$_}, @addr_dcs_of_domain} ;
+# @found_dcs = grep { defined $_} @address2dc{ grep exists $address2dc{$_}, @addr_dcs_of_domain} ;
+								# Gotcha.
+								# 'exists' is necessary to prevent autovivificatiton
+								# of keys in %address2dc
+if ( &set_eq( \@found_dcs, [ values %address2dc ] ) ) {
+  print $debug ? qq(Ok. WINS named "$wins" resolved addresses of "@my_dcs" as "@dc_query" and controllers of domain "$domain" as "@dcs_of_domain"\n) :
+		 qq(Ok. Found controllers named "@my_dcs" in response to "$domain#1C" name query from WINS named "$wins".\n) ;
+  exit $ERRORS{"OK"} ;
+} elsif ( scalar @found_dcs == 0 ) {
+  print qq(Failed. Found __no__ controllers named "@my_dcs" in response to "$domain#1C" query from WINS named "$wins". Got "@dcs_of_domain"\n) ;
+  exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;
+} elsif ( scalar @found_dcs < scalar keys %address2dc ) {
+  print qq(Warning. Not all domain controllers found in response to "$domain#1C" query from WINS named "$wins". Expected "@my_dcs", got "@found_dcs"\n) ;
+  exit $ERRORS{"WARNING"} ;
+sub set_eq {
+  return 0 unless scalar @{$_[0]} == scalar @{$_[1]} ;
+  foreach my $a ( @{$_[0]} ) {
+    return 0 unless scalar grep { $a eq $_ } @{$_[1]} ;
+  } 
+  return 1 ;
+sub print_usage () {
+	print "Usage: $PROGNAME -W <wins> -D <domain>\n";
+sub print_help () {
+	print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision$ ');
+	print "Copyright (c) 2001 Karl DeBisschop/S Hopcroft
+Perl Check WINS plugin for NetSaint.
+Returns OK if the addresses of domain controllers are found in the list of domain controllers returned in the WINS response to a 'domain controllers query' 
+Why would you want to do this ?
+MS File server clients insist on connecting to file servers using NetBIOS names.
+If they __don't__ resolve NetBIOS names with a WINS (NBNS) then they'll either fail to logon and  connect to shares or they will
+broadcast requsts for names.
+Both problems are eliminated by a healthy WINS.
+Also, you may have a MS domain spanning a  number of WAN connected sites, with domain controllers far away from powerful local
+domain controllers.
+In this case, you want your local clients to have their logon requests validated by the local controllers.
+The plugin works by
+  asking the WINS to resolve the addresses of the domain controllers (supplied by -C or from the constant MY_DCS)
+  asking the WINS to return the list of addresses of the domain controllers able to validate requests for the domain
+   whose name is given by -D
+  returning Ok		if all controller addresses are in that list (of addresses of domain controllers) or
+  returning WARNING	if not all the controller addresses are in the list or
+  returning CRITICAL	if there is no reply from the WINS or the list contains none of the contoller addresses
+	print_usage();
+	print '
+-W, --wins=STRING
+   Hostname or address of the WINS (Either Samba/nmbd or MS product)
+-D, --domain=STRING
+   MS Domain name to find the Domain controllers of.
+-C, --controllers:STRING
+   Optional __name(s)__ of domain controller that __must__ be found in the response to a domain controller name query.
+   If not defined, then use the constant value MY_DCS. You must use either -C or make sure that MY_DCS contains the names 
+   of __your__ domain controllers.
+-T, --timeout:INTEGER
+-d, --debug
+   Debugging output.
+-h, --help
+   This stuff.
+	support();
+sub version () {
+	print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision$ ');
+	exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
+sub help () {
+	print_help();
+	exit $ERRORS{'OK'};

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