[Nagiosplug-checkins] SF.net SVN: nagiosplug: [2016] nagiosplug/trunk/plugins-root

tonvoon at users.sourceforge.net tonvoon at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jul 2 22:00:10 CEST 2008

Revision: 2016
Author:   tonvoon
Date:     2008-07-02 13:00:08 -0700 (Wed, 02 Jul 2008)

Log Message:
Change pst3 again, this time to remove use of kvm which is not
available in Solaris 10 non-global zones. Uses /proc, which is not
available in older versions of Solaris.

Modified Paths:

Modified: nagiosplug/trunk/plugins-root/Makefile.am
--- nagiosplug/trunk/plugins-root/Makefile.am	2008-06-30 14:32:53 UTC (rev 2015)
+++ nagiosplug/trunk/plugins-root/Makefile.am	2008-07-02 20:00:08 UTC (rev 2016)
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@
 # -m64 needed at compiler and linker phase
-pst3_LDADD = -lkvm
 check_dhcp_DEPENDENCIES = check_dhcp.c $(NETOBJS) $(DEPLIBS) 
 check_icmp_DEPENDENCIES = check_icmp.c $(NETOBJS)

Modified: nagiosplug/trunk/plugins-root/pst3.c
--- nagiosplug/trunk/plugins-root/pst3.c	2008-06-30 14:32:53 UTC (rev 2015)
+++ nagiosplug/trunk/plugins-root/pst3.c	2008-07-02 20:00:08 UTC (rev 2016)
@@ -12,10 +12,19 @@
 * is not possible with the standard ps command (due to truncation). /usr/ucb/ps
 * also has issues where some fields run into each other.
-* This executable works by reading the kernel memory structures, so needs
+* This executable works by reading process address structures, so needs
 * to be executed as root
 * Originally written by R.W.Ingraham
+* Rewritten by Duncan Ferguson (Altinity Ltd, June 2008)
+*   The rewrite was necessary as /dev/kmem is not available within 
+*   non-global zones on Solaris 10
+*   Details for rewrite came from
+*    source of /usr/ucb/ps on Solaris:
+*     http://cvs.opensolaris.org/source/xref/onnv/onnv-gate/usr/src/ucbcmd/ps/ps.c#argvoff
+*    usenet group posting
+*     http://groups.google.com/group/comp.unix.solaris/tree/browse_frm/month/2001-09/bfa40c08bac819a2?rnum=141&_done=%2Fgroup%2Fcomp.unix.solaris%2Fbrowse_frm%2Fmonth%2F2001-09%3F
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -32,185 +41,216 @@
-#define _KMEMUSER	1
-#include <kvm.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/user.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/proc.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <procfs.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
 #include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <procfs.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/types32.h> 
- *	Constants
+ *  Constants
-#define PROC_DIR	"/proc"
-#define MAX_PATH	1024
-#define OK 0
-#define FAIL NULL
+#define PROC_DIR  "/proc"
+#define ARGS            30
- *	Structures
+ *  Globals
- *	Globals
- */
 static char *        szProg;
-static kvm_t *       kd;
-static struct proc * pProc;
-static struct user * pUser;
-static char **       myArgv;
- *	Prototypes
+ *  Prototypes
+void usage();
-static void output_info(struct proc *proc_kvm,char **proc_argv);
-static void HandleProc(struct proc *proc);
 int main (int argc, char **argv)
-	DIR *pDir;
-	struct dirent *pDent;
-	int retcode = 0;
-	struct proc *proc;
-	struct pid pid;
+  DIR *procdir;
+  struct dirent *proc;
+  char ps_name[ARGS];
+  char as_name[ARGS];
+  psinfo_t psinfo;
-	/* Set our program name global */
-	if ((szProg = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) != NULL)
-		szProg++;
-	else
-		szProg = argv[0];
+  /* Set our program name global */
+  if ((szProg = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) != NULL)
+    szProg++;
+  else
+    szProg = argv[0];
-	/* Make sure that our euid is root */
-	if (geteuid() != 0)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: This program can only be run by the root user!\n", szProg);
-		exit(1);
-	}
+  /* if given any parameters, print out help */
+  if(argc > 1) {
+    (void)usage();
+    exit(1);
+  }
-	/* Get a handle to the running kernel image */
-	if ((kd = kvm_open(NULL, NULL, NULL, O_RDONLY, argv[0])) == NULL)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to open kernel memory: %s\n", szProg, strerror(errno));
-		exit(2);
-	}
+  /* Make sure that our euid is root */
+  if (geteuid() != 0)
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: This program can only be run by the root user!\n", szProg);
+    exit(1);
+  }
-	/* reset to first proc in list */
-	if(kvm_setproc(kd) == -1) {
-                perror("kvm_setproc");
-                exit(2);
-        }
+  if ((procdir = opendir(PROC_DIR)) == NULL) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open PROC directory %s\n", szProg, PROC_DIR);
+    exit(1);
+  }
-	/* Display column headings */
-	printf("%c %5s %5s %5s %6s %6s %4s %s %s\n",
-                'S',
-                "UID",
-                "PID",
-                "PPID",
-                "VSZ",
-                "RSS",
-                "%CPU",
-                "COMMAND",
-                "ARGS"
-        );
+  /* Display column headings */
+  printf("%c %5s %5s %5s %6s %6s %4s %s %s\n",
+    'S',
+    "UID",
+    "PID",
+    "PPID",
+    "VSZ",
+    "RSS",
+    "%CPU",
+    "COMMAND",
+    "ARGS"
+  );
-	/* Zip through all of the process entries */
-	while((proc = kvm_nextproc(kd)) != 0) {
-		HandleProc(proc);
-	}
+  /* Zip through all of the process entries */
+  while((proc = readdir(procdir))) {
+    int ps_fd;
+    int as_fd;
+    off_t argoff;
+    int i;
+    char *args;
+    char *procname;
+    char *ptr;
+    int argslen;
+    uintptr_t args_addr;; 
+    uintptr_t *args_vecs;; 
+    int args_count;
-	/* Close the handle to the running kernel image */
-	kvm_close(kd);
+    if(proc->d_name[0] == '.')
+      continue;
-	return retcode;
+    sprintf(ps_name,"%s/%s/%s",PROC_DIR,proc->d_name,"psinfo");
+    sprintf(as_name,"%s/%s/%s",PROC_DIR,proc->d_name,"as");
+    if((ps_fd = open(ps_name, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
+      continue;
+    if((as_fd = open(as_name, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
+      continue;
-static void HandleProc(struct proc *proc)
-	struct pid pid;
-	struct user *user;
-	char **proc_argv = NULL;
+    if(read(ps_fd, &psinfo, sizeof(psinfo)) != sizeof(psinfo)) {
+      int err = errno;
+      close(ps_fd);
+      close(as_fd);
+      if(err == EAGAIN) goto try_again;
+      if(err != ENOENT) 
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s: read() on %s: %s\n", szProg, 
+          ps_name, strerror(err));
+      continue;
+    }
+    close(ps_fd);
-	if(kvm_kread(kd, (unsigned long) proc->p_pidp, (char *) &pid, sizeof pid) == -1) {
-		perror("kvm_read error");
-		exit(2);
-	}
-	proc->p_pidp = &pid;
-	user = kvm_getu(kd, proc);
+    /* system process, ignore since the previous version did */
+    if(
+      psinfo.pr_nlwp == 0 ||
+      strcmp(psinfo.pr_lwp.pr_clname, "SYS") == 0
+    ) {
+      continue;
+    }
-	if(kvm_getcmd(kd, proc, user, &proc_argv, NULL) == -1) {
-		return;
-	}
+    /* get the procname to match previous versions */
+    procname = strdup(psinfo.pr_psargs);
+    if((ptr = strchr(procname, ' ')) != NULL)
+        *ptr = '\0';
+    if((ptr = strrchr(procname, '/')) != NULL)
+        ptr++;
+    else
+        ptr = procname;
-	if(proc_argv == NULL) {
-		return;
-	}
+    /*
+     * print out what we currently know
+     */
+    printf("%c %5d %5d %5d %6lu %6lu %4.1f %s ",
+      psinfo.pr_lwp.pr_sname,
+      psinfo.pr_euid,
+      psinfo.pr_pid,
+      psinfo.pr_ppid,
+      psinfo.pr_size,
+      psinfo.pr_rssize,
+      ((float)(psinfo.pr_pctcpu) / 0x8000 * 100.0),
+      ptr
+    );
+    free(procname);
-	output_info(proc, proc_argv);
-	free(proc_argv);
+    /* 
+     * and now for the command line stuff
+     */
-static void output_info(struct proc *proc_kvm, char **proc_argv)
-	char procpath[MAX_PATH];
-	psinfo_t procinfo;
-	int fd, len;
-	char *procname;
-	int i;
+    args_addr = psinfo.pr_argv;
+    args_count = psinfo.pr_argc;
+    args_vecs = malloc(args_count * sizeof(uintptr_t));
-	sprintf(procpath, "/proc/%d/psinfo", proc_kvm->p_pidp->pid_id);
+    if(psinfo.pr_dmodel == PR_MODEL_NATIVE) {
+      /* this process matches target process */
+      pread(as_fd,args_vecs, args_count * sizeof(uintptr_t), 
+        args_addr);
+    } else { 
+      /* this process is 64bit, target process is 32 bit*/
+      caddr32_t *args_vecs32 = (caddr32_t *)args_vecs;
+      pread(as_fd,args_vecs32,args_count * sizeof(caddr32_t), 
+        args_addr);
+      for (i=args_count-1;i>=0;--i)
+        args_vecs[i]=args_vecs32[i];
+    }
-	if ((fd = open(procpath, O_RDONLY)) >= 0)
-	{
-		if ((len = read(fd, &procinfo, sizeof(procinfo))) != sizeof(procinfo))
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr,"%s: Read error of psinfo structure (%d)\n", procpath, len);
-			exit(2);
-		}
-		close(fd);
-	}
+    /* 
+     * now read in the args - if what we read in fills buffer
+     * resize buffer and reread that bit again
+     */
+    argslen=ARGS;
+    args=malloc(argslen+1);
+    for(i=0;i<args_count;i++) {
+      memset(args,'\0',argslen+1);
+      if(pread(as_fd, args, argslen, args_vecs[i]) <= 0) {
+        break;
+      }
+      args[argslen]='\0';
+      if(strlen(args) == argslen){
+        argslen += ARGS;
+        args = realloc(args, argslen + 1);
+        i--;
+        continue;
+      }
+      printf(" %s", args);
+    }
+    free(args_vecs);
+    free(args);
+    printf("\n");
+  }
-	if((procname = strrchr(proc_argv[0], '/')) != NULL)
-		procname++;
-	else
-		procname = proc_argv[0];
+  return (0);
-	printf("%c %5d %5d %5d %6lu %6lu %4.1f %s ",
-		procinfo.pr_lwp.pr_sname,
-		(int)(procinfo.pr_euid),
-		(int)proc_kvm->p_pidp->pid_id,
-		(int)proc_kvm->p_ppid,
-		(unsigned long)(procinfo.pr_size),
-		(unsigned long)(procinfo.pr_rssize),
-		((float)(procinfo.pr_pctcpu) / 0x8000 * 100.0),
-		procname
-	);
-	for(i=0;proc_argv[i];i++) {
-		printf(" %s", proc_argv[i]);
-	}
-	printf("\n");
+void usage() {
+  printf("%s: Help output\n\n", szProg);
+  printf("If this program is given any arguments, this help is displayed.\n");
+  printf("This command is used to print out the full command line for all\n");
+  printf("running processes because /usr/bin/ps is limited to 80 chars and\n");
+  printf("/usr/ucb/ps can merge columns together.\n\n");
+  printf("Columns are:\n");
+  printf("\tS        - State of process - see 'ps' man page\n");
+  printf("\tUID      - UID of the process owner\n");
+  printf("\tPID      - PID of the process\n");
+  printf("\tPPID     - PID of the parent process\n");
+  printf("\tVSZ      - Virtual memory usage (kilobytes)\n");
+  printf("\tRSS      - Real memory usage (kilobytes)\n");
+  printf("\t%%CPU     - CPU usage\n");
+  printf("\tCOMMAND  - Command being run\n");
+  printf("\tARGS     - Full command line with arguements\n");
+  return;

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