[nagiosplug] plugins/t/check_procs.t: Expect performance data

Nagios Plugin Development nagios-plugins at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Aug 17 22:50:56 CEST 2013

 Module: nagiosplug
 Branch: master
 Commit: 4a3901ec70dc4ba0049f24d213b7f07e931d3dda
 Author: Holger Weiss <holger at zedat.fu-berlin.de>
   Date: Sat Aug 17 21:59:45 2013 +0200
    URL: http://nagiosplug.git.sf.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=nagiosplug/nagiosplug;a=commit;h=4a3901e

plugins/t/check_procs.t: Expect performance data

The check_procs plugin now emits performance data, fix the test(s)


 plugins/t/check_procs.t |    6 +++---
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plugins/t/check_procs.t b/plugins/t/check_procs.t
index 30f0248..a1a2883 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_procs.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_procs.t
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ my $result;
 $result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_procs -w 100000 -c 100000" );
 is( $result->return_code, 0, "Checking less than 10000 processes" );
-like( $result->output, '/^PROCS OK: [0-9]+ process(es)?$/', "Output correct" );
+like( $result->output, '/^PROCS OK: [0-9]+ process(es)? | procs=[0-9]+;100000;100000;0;$/', "Output correct" );
 $result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_procs -w 100000 -c 100000 -s Z" );
 is( $result->return_code, 0, "Checking less than 100000 zombie processes" );
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ like( $result->output, '/^PROCS OK: [0-9]+ process(es)? with /', "Output correct
 $result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_procs -w 0 -c 100000" );
 is( $result->return_code, 1, "Checking warning if processes > 0" );
-like( $result->output, '/^PROCS WARNING: [0-9]+ process(es)?$/', "Output correct" );
+like( $result->output, '/^PROCS WARNING: [0-9]+ process(es)? | procs=[0-9]+;0;100000;0;$/', "Output correct" );
 $result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_procs -w 0 -c 0" );
 is( $result->return_code, 2, "Checking critical if processes > 0" );
-like( $result->output, '/^PROCS CRITICAL: [0-9]+ process(es)?$/', "Output correct" );
+like( $result->output, '/^PROCS CRITICAL: [0-9]+ process(es)? | procs=[0-9]+;0;0;0;$/', "Output correct" );
 $result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_procs -w 0 -c 0 -s S" );
 is( $result->return_code, 2, "Checking critical if sleeping processes" );

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