[nagiosplug] updated check dig tests

Nagios Plugin Development nagios-plugins at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jan 23 20:30:15 CET 2013

 Module: nagiosplug
 Branch: master
 Commit: 596af9df576b0ecf7a7dcc9a2c19ae771f23bf1d
 Author: Sven Nierlein <sven at nierlein.de>
   Date: Wed Jan 23 20:23:00 2013 +0100
    URL: http://nagiosplug.git.sf.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=nagiosplug/nagiosplug;a=commit;h=596af9d

updated check dig tests

nagios.com seems to have changed their ip address. Also added tests
about -4/-6 option.


 plugins/t/check_dig.t |   22 +++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plugins/t/check_dig.t b/plugins/t/check_dig.t
index 323859e..1ab4b42 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_dig.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_dig.t
@@ -10,30 +10,30 @@ use NPTest;
 plan skip_all => "check_dig not compiled" unless (-x "check_dig");
-plan tests => 12;
+plan tests => 16;
 my $successOutput = '/DNS OK - [\.0-9]+ seconds? response time/';
-my $hostname_valid = getTestParameter( 
+my $hostname_valid = getTestParameter(
 			"A valid (known to DNS) hostname",
-			"nagios.com"
+			"nagiosplugins.org"
 my $hostname_valid_ip = getTestParameter(
 			"The IP address of the valid hostname $hostname_valid",
-			"",
+			"",
 my $hostname_valid_reverse = getTestParameter(
 			"The hostname of $hostname_valid_ip",
-			"66-118-156-50.static.sagonet.net.",
+			"nagiosplugins.org.",
-my $hostname_invalid = getTestParameter( 
+my $hostname_invalid = getTestParameter(
 			"An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname",
@@ -69,6 +69,14 @@ SKIP: {
 	cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Found $hostname_valid on $dns_server");
 	like  ( $res->output, $successOutput, "Output OK" );
+	$res = NPTest->testCmd("./check_dig -H $dns_server -l $hostname_valid  -t 5 -4");
+	cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Found $hostname_valid on $dns_server");
+	like  ( $res->output, $successOutput, "Output OK for IPv4" );
+	$res = NPTest->testCmd("./check_dig -H $dns_server -l $hostname_valid  -t 5 -6");
+	cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Found $hostname_valid on $dns_server");
+	like  ( $res->output, $successOutput, "Output OK for IPv6" );
 	$res = NPTest->testCmd("./check_dig -H $dns_server -l $hostname_valid -a $hostname_valid_ip -t 5");
 	cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Got expected address");

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