[monitoring-plugins] check_radius.c: Add newline to die() calls

Holger Weiss git at monitoring-plugins.org
Sun Jun 22 21:50:08 CEST 2014

 Module: monitoring-plugins
 Branch: master
 Commit: 7979837c0d337e11354935fbf5a82c329c18841f
 Author: Holger Weiss <holger at zedat.fu-berlin.de>
   Date: Sun Jun 22 21:43:38 2014 +0200
    URL: https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/repositories/monitoring-plugins/commit/?id=7979837

check_radius.c: Add newline to die() calls

Our die() function doesn't append a newline character to the message.


 plugins/check_radius.c | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plugins/check_radius.c b/plugins/check_radius.c
index 9394d26..b294347 100644
--- a/plugins/check_radius.c
+++ b/plugins/check_radius.c
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
 	str = strdup ("dictionary");
 	if ((config_file && my_rc_read_config (config_file)) ||
 			my_rc_read_dictionary (my_rc_conf_str (str)))
-		die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Config file error"));
+		die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Config file error\n"));
@@ -178,24 +178,24 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
 				my_rc_avpair_add (&data.send_pairs, PW_USER_NAME, username, 0) &&
 				my_rc_avpair_add (&data.send_pairs, PW_USER_PASSWORD, password, 0)
-		die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Out of Memory?"));
+		die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Out of Memory?\n"));
 	if (nasid != NULL) {
 		if (!(my_rc_avpair_add (&data.send_pairs, PW_NAS_IDENTIFIER, nasid, 0)))
-			die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Invalid NAS-Identifier"));
+			die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Invalid NAS-Identifier\n"));
 	if (nasipaddress != NULL) {
 		if (rc_good_ipaddr (nasipaddress))
-			die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Invalid NAS-IP-Address"));
+			die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Invalid NAS-IP-Address\n"));
 		if ((client_id = rc_get_ipaddr(nasipaddress)) == 0)
-			die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Invalid NAS-IP-Address"));
+			die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Invalid NAS-IP-Address\n"));
 	} else {
 		if ((client_id = my_rc_own_ipaddress ()) == 0)
-			die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Can't find local IP for NAS-IP-Address"));
+			die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Can't find local IP for NAS-IP-Address\n"));
 	if (my_rc_avpair_add (&(data.send_pairs), PW_NAS_IP_ADDRESS, &client_id, 0) == NULL)
-		die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Invalid NAS-IP-Address"));
+		die (STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Invalid NAS-IP-Address\n"));
 	my_rc_buildreq (&data, PW_ACCESS_REQUEST, server, port, (int)timeout_interval,
@@ -206,19 +206,19 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
 		rc_avpair_free (data.receive_pairs);
 	if (result == TIMEOUT_RC)
-		die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("Timeout"));
+		die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("Timeout\n"));
 	if (result == ERROR_RC)
-		die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("Auth Error"));
+		die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("Auth Error\n"));
 	if (result == REJECT_RC)
-		die (STATE_WARNING, _("Auth Failed"));
+		die (STATE_WARNING, _("Auth Failed\n"));
 	if (result == BADRESP_RC)
-		die (STATE_WARNING, _("Bad Response"));
+		die (STATE_WARNING, _("Bad Response\n"));
 	if (expect && !strstr (msg, expect))
-		die (STATE_WARNING, "%s", msg);
+		die (STATE_WARNING, "%s\n", msg);
 	if (result == OK_RC)
-		die (STATE_OK, _("Auth OK"));
+		die (STATE_OK, _("Auth OK\n"));
 	(void)snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), _("Unexpected result code %d"), result);
-	die (STATE_UNKNOWN, "%s", msg);
+	die (STATE_UNKNOWN, "%s\n", msg);

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