[monitoring-plugins] tests: rework test parameters

Sven Nierlein git at monitoring-plugins.org
Fri Dec 7 10:40:18 CET 2018

 Module: monitoring-plugins
 Branch: master
 Commit: d7dcca22ae2f7bdf0ee2282e00c1999de0b58e26
 Author: Sven Nierlein <Sven.Nierlein at consol.de>
   Date: Tue Dec  4 15:20:18 2018 +0100
    URL: https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/repositories/monitoring-plugins/commit/?id=d7dcca2

tests: rework test parameters

there were 2 variants of calling getTestParameter:

    - parameter, description, default value
    - parameter, env value, default value, description, scope

While scope was never actually used and having 2 names for the same value led
to having 2 different entries in the cache file for the same configuration.

This commit removes the variants and simplifies tests parameters by only using
the first 3 parameter variant.


 .travis.yml                   |   6 +--
 NPTest.pm                     | 116 ++++++++++++------------------------------
 plugins/t/NPTest.cache.travis |  46 +++++++----------
 plugins/t/check_by_ssh.t      |  14 ++---
 plugins/t/check_fping.t       |  12 ++---
 plugins/t/check_ftp.t         |  11 ++--
 plugins/t/check_http.t        |  52 ++++---------------
 plugins/t/check_imap.t        |  15 ++----
 plugins/t/check_jabber.t      |  20 ++------
 plugins/t/check_ldap.t        |  17 ++-----
 plugins/t/check_mysql.t       |  29 ++---------
 plugins/t/check_mysql_query.t |  11 +---
 plugins/t/check_snmp.t        |  16 ++----
 plugins/t/check_ssh.t         |  14 ++---
 plugins/t/check_tcp.t         |  20 ++------
 plugins/t/check_time.t        |  11 ++--
 16 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 303 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 123e178..712f247 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -42,9 +42,6 @@ before_install:
   - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:waja/trusty-backports
   - sudo apt-get update -qq
   - sudo apt-get purge -qq gawk
-  # http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/trusty-ci-environment/ indicates, no MySQL on Trusty (yet)
-  # # ensure we have a test database in place for tests
-  # - mysql -e "create database IF NOT EXISTS test;" -uroot
   - sudo apt-get install -qq --no-install-recommends perl autotools-dev libdbi-dev libldap2-dev libpq-dev libmysqlclient-dev libradcli-dev libkrb5-dev libnet-snmp-perl procps
@@ -74,6 +71,7 @@ before_script:
   - tools/setup
   - ./configure --enable-libtap
   - make
   - export NPTEST_CACHE="$(pwd)/plugins/t/NPTest.cache.travis"
   - ssh-keygen -t dsa -N "" -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa
   - cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
@@ -82,7 +80,7 @@ before_script:
   - sudo rm -f /usr/share/mibs/ietf/SNMPv2-PDU /usr/share/mibs/ietf/IPSEC-SPD-MIB /usr/share/mibs/ietf/IPATM-IPMC-MIB /usr/share/mibs/iana/IANA-IPPM-METRICS-REGISTRY-MIB
   - sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/snmp/mib_indexes
   - sudo mkdir /media/ramdisk && sudo chmod 777 /media/ramdisk && sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=20% none /media/ramdisk
-  - sed "/host_tls_cert/s/.*/'host_tls_cert' => '$(hostname)',/" -i $NPTEST_CACHE
+  - sed "/NP_HOST_TLS_CERT/s/.*/'NP_HOST_TLS_CERT' => '$(hostname)',/" -i $NPTEST_CACHE
   - if [ "$COVERITY_SCAN_BRANCH" != 1 ]; then make test; fi
diff --git a/NPTest.pm b/NPTest.pm
index 2248e8e..4b2de39 100644
--- a/NPTest.pm
+++ b/NPTest.pm
@@ -62,17 +62,6 @@ runs will use these values. The user is able to change the values by
 amending the values in the file /var/tmp/NPTest.cache, or by setting
 the appropriate environment variable before running the test.
-The option exists to store parameters in a scoped means, allowing a
-test harness to a localise a parameter should the need arise. This
-allows a parameter of the same name to exist in a test harness
-specific scope, while not affecting the globally scoped parameter. The
-scoping identifier is the name of the test harness sans the trailing
-".t".  All cache searches first look to a scoped parameter before
-looking for the parameter at global scope. Thus for a test harness
-called "check_disk.t" requesting the parameter "mountpoint_valid", the
-cache is first searched for "check_disk"/"mountpoint_valid", if this
-fails, then a search is conducted for "mountpoint_valid".
 To facilitate quick testing setup, it is possible to accept all the
 developer provided defaults by setting the environment variable
 "NPTEST_ACCEPTDEFAULT" to "1" (or any other perl truth value). Note
@@ -327,78 +316,51 @@ sub skipMsg
   return $testStatus;
-sub getTestParameter
-  my( $param, $envvar, $default, $brief, $scoped );
-  my $new_style;
-  if (scalar @_ <= 3) {
-    ($param, $brief, $default) = @_;
-    $envvar = $param;
-    $new_style = 1;
-  } else {
-    ( $param, $envvar, $default, $brief, $scoped ) = @_;
-    $new_style = 0;
-  }
-  # Apply default values for optional arguments
-  $scoped = ( defined( $scoped ) && $scoped );
+sub getTestParameter {
+  my($param, $description, $default) = @_;
-  my $testharness = basename( (caller(0))[1], ".t" ); # used for scoping
-  if ( defined( $envvar ) &&  exists( $ENV{$envvar} ) && $ENV{$envvar} )
-  {
-    return $ENV{$envvar};
+  if($param !~ m/^NP_[A-Z0-9_]+$/mx) {
+    die("parameter should be all uppercase and start with NP_ (requested from ".(caller(0))[1].")");
-  my $cachedValue = SearchCache( $param, $testharness );
-  if ( defined( $cachedValue ) )
-  {
-    # This save required to convert to new style because the key required is
-    # changing to the environment variable
-    if ($new_style == 0) {
-      SetCacheParameter( $envvar, undef, $cachedValue );
-    }
+  return $ENV{$param} if $ENV{$param};
+  my $cachedValue = SearchCache($param);
+  if(defined $cachedValue) {
     return $cachedValue;
-  my $defaultValid      = ( defined( $default ) && $default );
-  my $autoAcceptDefault = ( exists( $ENV{'NPTEST_ACCEPTDEFAULT'} ) && $ENV{'NPTEST_ACCEPTDEFAULT'} );
-  if ( $autoAcceptDefault && $defaultValid )
-  {
-    return $default;
+    return $default if $default;
+    return "";
   # Set "none" if no terminal attached (eg, tinderbox build servers when new variables set)
   return "" unless (-t STDIN);
   my $userResponse = "";
-  while ( $userResponse eq "" )
-  {
+  while($userResponse eq "") {
     print STDERR "\n";
-    print STDERR "Test Harness         : $testharness\n";
-    print STDERR "Test Parameter       : $param\n";
-    print STDERR "Environment Variable : $envvar\n" if ($param ne $envvar);
-    print STDERR "Brief Description    : $brief\n";
-    print STDERR "Enter value (or 'none') ", ($defaultValid ? "[${default}]" : "[]"), " => ";
+    print STDERR "Test File      : ".(caller(0))[1]."\n";
+    print STDERR "Test Parameter : $param\n";
+    print STDERR "Description    : $description\n";
+    print STDERR "Enter value (or 'none') ", ($default ? "[${default}]" : "[]"), " => ";
     $userResponse = <STDIN>;
     $userResponse = "" if ! defined( $userResponse ); # Handle EOF
-    chomp( $userResponse );
-    if ( $defaultValid && $userResponse eq "" )
-    {
+    chomp($userResponse);
+    if($default && $userResponse eq "") {
       $userResponse = $default;
   print STDERR "\n";
-  if ($userResponse =~ /^(na|none)$/) {
+  if($userResponse =~ /^(na|none)$/) {
     $userResponse = "";
-  # define all user responses at global scope
-  SetCacheParameter( $param, ( $scoped ? $testharness : undef ), $userResponse );
+  # store user responses
+  SetCacheParameter($param, $userResponse);
   return $userResponse;
@@ -407,37 +369,20 @@ sub getTestParameter
 # Internal Cache Management Functions
-sub SearchCache
-  my( $param, $scope ) = @_;
+sub SearchCache {
+  my($param) = @_;
-  if ( exists( $CACHE{$scope} ) && exists( $CACHE{$scope}{$param} ) )
-  {
-    return $CACHE{$scope}{$param};
-  }
-  if ( exists( $CACHE{$param} ) )
-  {
+  if(exists $CACHE{$param}) {
     return $CACHE{$param};
   return undef;    # Need this to say "nothing found"
-sub SetCacheParameter
-  my( $param, $scope, $value ) = @_;
-  if ( defined( $scope ) )
-  {
-    $CACHE{$scope}{$param} = $value;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    $CACHE{$param} = $value;
-  }
+sub SetCacheParameter {
+  my($param, $value) = @_;
+  $CACHE{$param} = $value;
@@ -475,6 +420,11 @@ sub SaveCache
   delete $CACHE{'_cache_loaded_'};
   my $oldFileContents = delete $CACHE{'_original_cache'};
+  # clean up old style params
+  for my $key (keys %CACHE) {
+    delete $CACHE{$key} if $key !~ m/^NP_[A-Z0-9_]+$/mx;
+  }
   my($dataDumper) = new Data::Dumper([\%CACHE]);
@@ -486,7 +436,7 @@ sub SaveCache
   if($oldFileContents ne $data) {
     my($fileHandle) = new IO::File;
     if (!$fileHandle->open( "> ${CACHEFILENAME}")) {
-      print STDERR "NPTest::LoadCache() : Problem saving ${CACHEFILENAME} : $!\n";
+      print STDERR "NPTest::SaveCache() : Problem saving ${CACHEFILENAME} : $!\n";
     print $fileHandle $data;
diff --git a/plugins/t/NPTest.cache.travis b/plugins/t/NPTest.cache.travis
index 28437a0..6ee4505 100644
--- a/plugins/t/NPTest.cache.travis
+++ b/plugins/t/NPTest.cache.travis
@@ -1,64 +1,54 @@
-  'MYSQL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => '-u root -d test',
   'NP_ALLOW_SUDO' => 'yes',
   'NP_DNS_SERVER' => '',
   'NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID' => 'nosuchhost',
-  'NP_HOSTNAME_VALID' => 'monitoring-plugins.org',
+  'NP_HOSTNAME_VALID' => 'monitoring-plugins.org',
   'NP_HOSTNAME_VALID_REVERSE' => 'orwell.monitoring-plugins.org.',
   'NP_HOST_RESPONSIVE' => 'localhost',
   'NP_HOST_SMB' => '',
-  'NP_HOST_SNMP' => 'localhost',
+  'NP_HOST_SNMP' => '',
   'NP_HOST_TCP_FTP' => '',
   'NP_HOST_TCP_HPJD' => '',
-  'NP_HOST_TCP_HTTP' => 'localhost',
   'NP_HOST_TCP_HTTP2' => 'test.monitoring-plugins.org',
+  'NP_HOST_TCP_HTTP' => 'localhost',
   'NP_HOST_TCP_IMAP' => 'imap.web.de',
+  'NP_HOST_TCP_JABBER' => 'jabber.org',
   'NP_HOST_TCP_LDAP' => 'localhost',
   'NP_HOST_TCP_POP' => 'pop.web.de',
+  'NP_HOST_TCP_PROXY' => 'localhost',
   'NP_HOST_TCP_SMTP' => 'localhost',
   'NP_HOST_TCP_SMTP_TLS' => '',
+  'NP_HOST_TLS_CERT' => 'localhost,
+  'NP_HOST_TLS_HTTP' => 'localhost',
+  'NP_HOST_UDP_TIME' => 'none',
   'NP_INTERNET_ACCESS' => 'yes',
   'NP_LDAP_BASE_DN' => 'cn=admin,dc=nodomain',
   'NP_MOUNTPOINT2_VALID' => '/media/ramdisk',
+  'NP_MYSQL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => '-u root -d test',
   'NP_MYSQL_SERVER' => 'localhost',
-  'NP_HOST_UDP_TIME' => 'localhost',
   'NP_MYSQL_SOCKET' => '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock',
   'NP_NO_NTP_SERVICE' => 'localhost',
+  'NP_PORT_TCP_PROXY' => '3128',
   'NP_SMB_SHARE' => '',
   'NP_SMB_SHARE_DENY' => '',
   'NP_SMB_SHARE_SPC' => '',
   'NP_SMB_VALID_USER' => '',
-  'NP_SNMP_COMMUNITY' => 'public',
+  'NP_SNMP_USER' => '',
   'NP_SSH_CONFIGFILE' => '~/.ssh/config',
   'NP_SSH_HOST' => 'localhost',
-  'NP_SSH_IDENTITY' => '~/.ssh/id_dsa',
-  'NP_HOST_TCP_JABBER' => 'jabber.org',
-  'host_nonresponsive' => '',
-  'host_responsive' => 'localhost',
-  'host_snmp' => '',
-  'host_tcp_ftp' => '',
-  'host_tcp_http' => 'localhost',
-  'host_tcp_imap' => 'imap.nierlein.de',
-  'host_tcp_smtp' => 'localhost',
-  'hostname_invalid' => 'nosuchhost',
-  'snmp_community' => '',
-  'user_snmp' => '',
-  'host_udp_time' => 'none',
-  'host_tls_http' => 'localhost',
-  'host_tls_cert' => 'localhost',
-  'NP_HOST_TCP_PROXY' => 'localhost',
-  'NP_PORT_TCP_PROXY' => '3128',
+  'NP_SSH_IDENTITY' => '~/.ssh/id_dsa'
diff --git a/plugins/t/check_by_ssh.t b/plugins/t/check_by_ssh.t
index 4797390..1d2939e 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_by_ssh.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_by_ssh.t
@@ -9,17 +9,9 @@ use Test::More;
 use NPTest;
 # Required parameters
-my $ssh_service = getTestParameter( "NP_SSH_HOST",
-    "A host providing SSH service",
-    "localhost");
-my $ssh_key = getTestParameter( "NP_SSH_IDENTITY",
-    "A key allowing access to NP_SSH_HOST",
-    "~/.ssh/id_dsa");
-my $ssh_conf = getTestParameter( "NP_SSH_CONFIGFILE",
-    "A config file with ssh settings",
-    "~/.ssh/config");
+my $ssh_service = getTestParameter("NP_SSH_HOST", "A host providing SSH service", "localhost");
+my $ssh_key     = getTestParameter("NP_SSH_IDENTITY", "A key allowing access to NP_SSH_HOST", "~/.ssh/id_dsa");
+my $ssh_conf    = getTestParameter( "NP_SSH_CONFIGFILE", "A config file with ssh settings", "~/.ssh/config");
 plan skip_all => "SSH_HOST and SSH_IDENTITY must be defined" unless ($ssh_service && $ssh_key);
diff --git a/plugins/t/check_fping.t b/plugins/t/check_fping.t
index 08692e4..342b0a7 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_fping.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_fping.t
@@ -15,15 +15,9 @@ BEGIN {$tests = 4; plan tests => $tests}
 my $successOutput = '/^FPING OK - /';
 my $failureOutput = '/^FPING CRITICAL - /';
-my $host_responsive    = getTestParameter( "host_responsive",    "NP_HOST_RESPONSIVE",    "localhost",
-					   "The hostname of system responsive to network requests" );
-my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter( "host_nonresponsive", "NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "",
-					   "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests" );
-my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter( "hostname_invalid",   "NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID",   "nosuchhost",
-                                           "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname" );
+my $host_responsive    = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_RESPONSIVE", "The hostname of system responsive to network requests", "localhost");
+my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests", "");
+my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter("NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID", "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname", "nosuchhost");
 my $t;
diff --git a/plugins/t/check_ftp.t b/plugins/t/check_ftp.t
index de6831b..93a7d7c 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_ftp.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_ftp.t
@@ -11,14 +11,9 @@ use NPTest;
 use vars qw($tests);
 BEGIN {$tests = 4; plan tests => $tests}
-my $host_tcp_ftp       = getTestParameter( "host_tcp_ftp",       "NP_HOST_TCP_FTP",       "localhost",
-					   "A host providing the FTP Service (an FTP server)");
-my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter( "host_nonresponsive", "NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "",
-					   "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests" );
-my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter( "hostname_invalid",   "NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID",   "nosuchhost",
-                                           "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname" );
+my $host_tcp_ftp       = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_TCP_FTP", "A host providing the FTP Service (an FTP server)", "localhost");
+my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests", "");
+my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter("NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID", "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname", "nosuchhost");
 my $successOutput = '/FTP OK -\s+[0-9]?\.?[0-9]+ second response time/';
diff --git a/plugins/t/check_http.t b/plugins/t/check_http.t
index 416fbbc..b3760eb 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_http.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_http.t
@@ -9,46 +9,21 @@ use Test::More;
 use POSIX qw/mktime strftime/;
 use NPTest;
-plan tests => 55;
+plan tests => 50;
 my $successOutput = '/OK.*HTTP.*second/';
 my $res;
-my $host_tcp_http      = getTestParameter( "NP_HOST_TCP_HTTP",
-		"A host providing the HTTP Service (a web server)",
-		"localhost" );
-my $host_tls_http      = getTestParameter( "host_tls_http",      "NP_HOST_TLS_HTTP",      "localhost",
-					   "A host providing the HTTPS Service (a tls web server)" );
-my $host_tls_cert      = getTestParameter( "host_tls_cert",      "NP_HOST_TLS_CERT",      "localhost",
-					   "the common name of the certificate." );
-my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter( "NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE",
-		"The hostname of system not responsive to network requests",
-		"" );
-my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter( "NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID",
-		"An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname",
-		"nosuchhost");
-my $internet_access = getTestParameter( "NP_INTERNET_ACCESS",
-                "Is this system directly connected to the internet?",
-                "yes");
-my $host_tcp_http2  = getTestParameter( "NP_HOST_TCP_HTTP2",
-            "A host providing an index page containing the string 'monitoring'",
-            "test.monitoring-plugins.org" );
-my $host_tcp_proxy  = getTestParameter( "NP_HOST_TCP_PROXY",
-            "A host providing a HTTP proxy with CONNECT support",
-            "localhost");
-my $port_tcp_proxy  = getTestParameter( "NP_PORT_TCP_PROXY",
-            "Port of the proxy with HTTP and CONNECT support",
-            "3128");
+my $host_tcp_http      = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_TCP_HTTP", "A host providing the HTTP Service (a web server)", "localhost");
+my $host_tls_http      = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_TLS_HTTP", "A host providing the HTTPS Service (a tls web server)", "localhost");
+my $host_tls_cert      = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_TLS_CERT", "the common name of the certificate.", "localhost");
+my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests", "");
+my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter("NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID", "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname", "nosuchhost");
+my $internet_access    = getTestParameter("NP_INTERNET_ACCESS", "Is this system directly connected to the internet?", "yes");
+my $host_tcp_http2     = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_TCP_HTTP2", "A host providing an index page containing the string 'monitoring'", "test.monitoring-plugins.org");
+my $host_tcp_proxy     = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_TCP_PROXY", "A host providing a HTTP proxy with CONNECT support", "localhost");
+my $port_tcp_proxy     = getTestParameter("NP_PORT_TCP_PROXY", "Port of the proxy with HTTP and CONNECT support", "3128");
 my $faketime = -x '/usr/bin/faketime' ? 1 : 0;
@@ -158,7 +133,7 @@ SKIP: {
         # run some certificate checks with faketime
         SKIP: {
-                skip "No faketime binary found", 12 if !$faketime;
+                skip "No faketime binary found", 7 if !$faketime;
                 $res = NPTest->testCmd("LC_TIME=C TZ=UTC ./check_http -C 1 $host_tls_http");
                 like($res->output, qr/OK - Certificate '$host_tls_cert' will expire on/, "Catch cert output");
                 is( $res->return_code, 0, "Catch cert output exit code" );
@@ -171,23 +146,18 @@ SKIP: {
                 my $time = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($ts));
                 $res = NPTest->testCmd("LC_TIME=C TZ=UTC faketime -f '".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($ts))."' ./check_http -C 1 $host_tls_http");
                 like($res->output, qr/CRITICAL - Certificate '$host_tls_cert' just expired/, "Output on expire date");
-                is( $res->return_code, 2, "Output on expire date" );
                 $res = NPTest->testCmd("LC_TIME=C TZ=UTC faketime -f '".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($ts-1))."' ./check_http -C 1 $host_tls_http");
                 like($res->output, qr/CRITICAL - Certificate '$host_tls_cert' expires in 0 minutes/, "cert expires in 1 second output");
-                is( $res->return_code, 2, "cert expires in 1 second exit code" );
                 $res = NPTest->testCmd("LC_TIME=C TZ=UTC faketime -f '".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($ts-120))."' ./check_http -C 1 $host_tls_http");
                 like($res->output, qr/CRITICAL - Certificate '$host_tls_cert' expires in 2 minutes/, "cert expires in 2 minutes output");
-                is( $res->return_code, 2, "cert expires in 2 minutes exit code" );
                 $res = NPTest->testCmd("LC_TIME=C TZ=UTC faketime -f '".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($ts-7200))."' ./check_http -C 1 $host_tls_http");
                 like($res->output, qr/CRITICAL - Certificate '$host_tls_cert' expires in 2 hours/, "cert expires in 2 hours output");
-                is( $res->return_code, 2, "cert expires in 2 hours exit code" );
                 $res = NPTest->testCmd("LC_TIME=C TZ=UTC faketime -f '".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($ts+1))."' ./check_http -C 1 $host_tls_http");
                 like($res->output, qr/CRITICAL - Certificate '$host_tls_cert' expired on/, "Certificate expired output");
-                is( $res->return_code, 2, "Certificate expired exit code" );
         $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_http --ssl $host_tls_http -E" );
diff --git a/plugins/t/check_imap.t b/plugins/t/check_imap.t
index 9c6eae1..7c74e56 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_imap.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_imap.t
@@ -8,17 +8,10 @@ use strict;
 use Test::More tests => 7;
 use NPTest;
-my $host_tcp_smtp      = getTestParameter( "host_tcp_smtp",      "NP_HOST_TCP_SMTP",      "mailhost",
-					   "A host providing an STMP Service (a mail server)");
-my $host_tcp_imap      = getTestParameter( "host_tcp_imap",      "NP_HOST_TCP_IMAP",      $host_tcp_smtp,
-					   "A host providing an IMAP Service (a mail server)");
-my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter( "host_nonresponsive", "NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "",
-					   "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests" );
-my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter( "hostname_invalid",   "NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID",   "nosuchhost",
-                                           "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname" );
+my $host_tcp_smtp      = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_TCP_SMTP", "A host providing an STMP Service (a mail server)", "mailhost");
+my $host_tcp_imap      = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_TCP_IMAP", "A host providing an IMAP Service (a mail server)", $host_tcp_smtp);
+my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests", "");
+my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter("NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID", "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname", "nosuchhost");
 my $t;
diff --git a/plugins/t/check_jabber.t b/plugins/t/check_jabber.t
index 7a708d5..fcdae17 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_jabber.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_jabber.t
@@ -10,23 +10,9 @@ use NPTest;
 plan tests => 10;
-my $host_tcp_jabber = getTestParameter( 
-			"A host providing the Jabber Service",
-			"jabber.org"
-			);
-my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter(
-			"The hostname of system not responsive to network requests",
-			"",
-			);
-my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter( 
-			"An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname",
-			"nosuchhost",
-			);
+my $host_tcp_jabber    = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_TCP_JABBER", "A host providing the Jabber Service", "jabber.de");
+my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests", "");
+my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter("NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID", "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname", "nosuchhost");
 my $jabberOK = '/JABBER OK\s-\s\d+\.\d+\ssecond response time on '.$host_tcp_jabber.' port 5222/';
diff --git a/plugins/t/check_ldap.t b/plugins/t/check_ldap.t
index b8944d4..b8a4a76 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_ldap.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_ldap.t
@@ -9,19 +9,10 @@ use warnings;
 use Test::More;
 use NPTest;
-my $host_tcp_ldap      = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_TCP_LDAP",
-                                          "A host providing the LDAP Service",
-                                          "localhost" );
-my $ldap_base_dn       = getTestParameter("NP_LDAP_BASE_DN",
-                                          "A base dn for the LDAP Service",
-                                          "cn=admin" );
-my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter("host_nonresponsive", "NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "",
-                                          "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests" );
-my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter("hostname_invalid",   "NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID",   "nosuchhost",
-                                          "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname" );
+my $host_tcp_ldap      = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_TCP_LDAP", "A host providing the LDAP Service", "localhost");
+my $ldap_base_dn       = getTestParameter("NP_LDAP_BASE_DN", "A base dn for the LDAP Service", "cn=admin");
+my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests", "");
+my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter("NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID", "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname", "nosuchhost");
 my($result, $cmd);
 my $command = './check_ldap';
diff --git a/plugins/t/check_mysql.t b/plugins/t/check_mysql.t
index 28cd4cd..e426bf5 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_mysql.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_mysql.t
@@ -21,30 +21,11 @@ plan skip_all => "check_mysql not compiled" unless (-x "check_mysql");
 plan tests => 15;
 my $bad_login_output = '/Access denied for user /';
-my $mysqlserver = getTestParameter(
-		"A MySQL Server hostname or IP with no slaves setup"
-		);
-my $mysqlsocket = getTestParameter(
-		"Full path to a MySQL Server socket with no slaves setup"
-		);
-my $mysql_login_details = getTestParameter(
-		"Command line parameters to specify login access (requires " .
-		"REPLICATION CLIENT privleges)",
-		"-u test -ptest",
-		);
-my $with_slave = getTestParameter(
-		"MySQL server with slaves setup"
-		);
-my $with_slave_login = getTestParameter(
-		"Login details for server with slave (requires REPLICATION CLIENT " .
-		"privleges)",
-		$mysql_login_details || "-u test -ptest"
-		);
+my $mysqlserver         = getTestParameter("NP_MYSQL_SERVER", "A MySQL Server hostname or IP with no slaves setup");
+my $mysqlsocket         = getTestParameter("NP_MYSQL_SOCKET", "Full path to a MySQL Server socket with no slaves setup");
+my $mysql_login_details = getTestParameter("NP_MYSQL_LOGIN_DETAILS", "Command line parameters to specify login access (requires REPLICATION CLIENT privleges)", "-u test -ptest");
+my $with_slave          = getTestParameter("NP_MYSQL_WITH_SLAVE", "MySQL server with slaves setup");
+my $with_slave_login    = getTestParameter("NP_MYSQL_WITH_SLAVE_LOGIN", "Login details for server with slave (requires REPLICATION CLIENT privleges)", $mysql_login_details || "-u test -ptest");
 my $result;
diff --git a/plugins/t/check_mysql_query.t b/plugins/t/check_mysql_query.t
index 407af88..96899ac 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_mysql_query.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_mysql_query.t
@@ -17,15 +17,8 @@ use vars qw($tests);
 plan skip_all => "check_mysql_query not compiled" unless (-x "check_mysql_query");
-my $mysqlserver = getTestParameter( 
-		"A MySQL Server with no slaves setup"
-		);
-my $mysql_login_details = getTestParameter( 
-		"Command line parameters to specify login access",
-		"-u user -ppw -d db",
-		);
+my $mysqlserver         = getTestParameter("NP_MYSQL_SERVER", "A MySQL Server with no slaves setup");
+my $mysql_login_details = getTestParameter("NP_MYSQL_LOGIN_DETAILS", "Command line parameters to specify login access", "-u user -ppw -d db");
 my $result;
 if (! $mysqlserver) {
diff --git a/plugins/t/check_snmp.t b/plugins/t/check_snmp.t
index 9a6cd2b..f2f218f 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_snmp.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_snmp.t
@@ -15,18 +15,12 @@ BEGIN {
 my $res;
-my $host_snmp = getTestParameter( "host_snmp",          "NP_HOST_SNMP",      "localhost",
-                                  "A host providing an SNMP Service");
+my $host_snmp          = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_SNMP", "A host providing an SNMP Service", "localhost");
+my $snmp_community     = getTestParameter("NP_SNMP_COMMUNITY", "The SNMP Community string for SNMP Testing (assumes snmp v1)", "public");
+my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests", "");
+my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter("NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID", "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname", "nosuchhost");
+my $user_snmp          = getTestParameter("NP_SNMP_USER", "An SNMP user", "auth_md5");
-my $snmp_community = getTestParameter( "snmp_community",     "NP_SNMP_COMMUNITY", "public",
-                                       "The SNMP Community string for SNMP Testing (assumes snmp v1)" );
-my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter( "host_nonresponsive", "NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "",
-                                           "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests" );
-my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter( "hostname_invalid",   "NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID",   "nosuchhost",
-                                           "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname" );
-my $user_snmp = getTestParameter( "user_snmp",    "NP_SNMP_USER",    "auth_md5", "An SNMP user");
 $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -t 1" );
 is( $res->return_code, 3, "No host name" );
diff --git a/plugins/t/check_ssh.t b/plugins/t/check_ssh.t
index 8008349..a5cd23c 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_ssh.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_ssh.t
@@ -9,17 +9,9 @@ use Test::More;
 use NPTest;
 # Required parameters
-my $ssh_host           = getTestParameter("NP_SSH_HOST",
-                                          "A host providing SSH service",
-                                          "localhost");
-my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE",
-                                          "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests",
-                                          "" );
-my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter("NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID",
-                                          "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname",
-                                          "nosuchhost" );
+my $ssh_host           = getTestParameter("NP_SSH_HOST", "A host providing SSH service", "localhost");
+my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests", "" );
+my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter("NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID", "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname", "nosuchhost" );
 plan skip_all => "SSH_HOST must be defined" unless $ssh_host;
diff --git a/plugins/t/check_tcp.t b/plugins/t/check_tcp.t
index 121b0cb..cb4de53 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_tcp.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_tcp.t
@@ -15,21 +15,11 @@ BEGIN {
-my $host_tcp_http      = getTestParameter( "host_tcp_http",      "NP_HOST_TCP_HTTP",      "localhost",
-					   "A host providing the HTTP Service (a web server)" );
-my $host_tls_http      = getTestParameter( "host_tls_http",      "NP_HOST_TLS_HTTP",      "localhost",
-					   "A host providing the HTTPS Service (a tls web server)" );
-my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter( "host_nonresponsive", "NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "",
-					   "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests" );
-my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter( "hostname_invalid",   "NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID",   "nosuchhost",
-                                           "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname" );
-my $internet_access    = getTestParameter( "NP_INTERNET_ACCESS",
-                                           "Is this system directly connected to the internet?",
-                                           "yes");
+my $host_tcp_http      = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_TCP_HTTP", "A host providing the HTTP Service (a web server)", "localhost");
+my $host_tls_http      = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_TLS_HTTP", "A host providing the HTTPS Service (a tls web server)", "localhost");
+my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests", "");
+my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter("NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID", "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname", "nosuchhost");
+my $internet_access    = getTestParameter("NP_INTERNET_ACCESS", "Is this system directly connected to the internet?", "yes");
 my $successOutput = '/^TCP OK\s-\s+[0-9]?\.?[0-9]+ second response time on port [0-9]+/';
diff --git a/plugins/t/check_time.t b/plugins/t/check_time.t
index 961f56e..92c2f89 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_time.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_time.t
@@ -11,14 +11,9 @@ use NPTest;
 use vars qw($tests);
 BEGIN {$tests = 8; plan tests => $tests}
-my $host_udp_time      = getTestParameter( "host_udp_time",      "NP_HOST_UDP_TIME",      "localhost",
-					   "A host providing the UDP Time Service" );
-my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter( "host_nonresponsive", "NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "",
-                                           "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests" );
-my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter( "hostname_invalid",   "NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID",   "nosuchhost",
-                                           "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname" );
+my $host_udp_time      = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_UDP_TIME", "A host providing the UDP Time Service", "localhost");
+my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests", "");
+my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter("NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID", "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname", "nosuchhost");
 my $successOutput = '/^TIME OK - [0-9]+ second time difference/';

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