[monitoring-plugins] merge test changes from check_http

Sven Nierlein git at monitoring-plugins.org
Mon May 18 13:50:11 CEST 2020

 Module: monitoring-plugins
 Branch: feature_check_curl
 Commit: d54f14a09238fff7b8f4454b59d0adaef446d5c6
 Author: Sven Nierlein <sven at nierlein.de>
   Date: Fri May 15 11:52:55 2020 +0200
    URL: https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/repositories/monitoring-plugins/commit/?id=d54f14a

merge test changes from check_http

the example certificate has changed since.


 plugins/tests/check_curl.t | 21 +++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plugins/tests/check_curl.t b/plugins/tests/check_curl.t
index e182623..1afbe4b 100755
--- a/plugins/tests/check_curl.t
+++ b/plugins/tests/check_curl.t
@@ -4,13 +4,15 @@
 # To create the https server certificate:
 # openssl req -new -x509 -keyout server-key.pem -out server-cert.pem -days 3650 -nodes
-# Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:UK
-# State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Derbyshire
-# Locality Name (eg, city) []:Belper
+# to create a new expired certificate:
+# faketime '2008-01-01 12:00:00' openssl req -new -x509 -keyout expired-key.pem -out expired-cert.pem -days 1 -nodes
+# Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:DE
+# State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Bavaria
+# Locality Name (eg, city) []:Munich
 # Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Monitoring Plugins
 # Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
-# Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:Ton Voon
-# Email Address []:tonvoon at mac.com
+# Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:Monitoring Plugins
+# Email Address []:devel at monitoring-plugins.org
 use strict;
 use Test::More;
@@ -221,21 +223,21 @@ SKIP: {
 	$result = NPTest->testCmd( "$command -p $port_https -S -C 14" );
 	is( $result->return_code, 0, "$command -p $port_https -S -C 14" );
-	is( $result->output, 'OK - Certificate \'Ton Voon\' will expire on Sun Mar  3 21:41:28 2019 +0000.', "output ok" );
+	is( $result->output, "OK - Certificate 'Monitoring Plugins' will expire on Fri Feb 16 15:31:44 2029 +0000.", "output ok" );
 	$result = NPTest->testCmd( "$command -p $port_https -S -C 14000" );
 	is( $result->return_code, 1, "$command -p $port_https -S -C 14000" );
-	like( $result->output, '/WARNING - Certificate \'Ton Voon\' expires in \d+ day\(s\) \(Sun Mar  3 21:41:28 2019 \+0000\)./', "output ok" );
+	like( $result->output, '/WARNING - Certificate \'Monitoring Plugins\' expires in \d+ day\(s\) \(Fri Feb 16 15:31:44 2029 \+0000\)./', "output ok" );
 	# Expired cert tests
 	$result = NPTest->testCmd( "$command -p $port_https -S -C 13960,14000" );
 	is( $result->return_code, 2, "$command -p $port_https -S -C 13960,14000" );
-	like( $result->output, '/CRITICAL - Certificate \'Ton Voon\' expires in \d+ day\(s\) \(Sun Mar  3 21:41:28 2019 \+0000\)./', "output ok" );
+	like( $result->output, '/CRITICAL - Certificate \'Monitoring Plugins\' expires in \d+ day\(s\) \(Fri Feb 16 15:31:44 2029 \+0000\)./', "output ok" );
 	$result = NPTest->testCmd( "$command -p $port_https_expired -S -C 7" );
 	is( $result->return_code, 2, "$command -p $port_https_expired -S -C 7" );
 	is( $result->output,
-		'CRITICAL - Certificate \'Ton Voon\' expired on Thu Mar  5 00:13:16 2009 +0000.',
+		'CRITICAL - Certificate \'Monitoring Plugins\' expired on Wed Jan  2 11:00:26 2008 +0000.',
 		"output ok" );
@@ -288,7 +290,6 @@ SKIP: {
 sub run_common_tests {
 	my ($opts) = @_;
 	my $command = $opts->{command};

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