[monitoring-plugins] check_uptime: Fix lowercase typo in plugin output

Sven Nierlein git at monitoring-plugins.org
Tue Feb 15 16:40:10 CET 2022

    Module: monitoring-plugins
    Branch: master
    Commit: 6c8b45a1691f4ce98f1c559a1e9cd1fef68c0fe2
    Author: Andreas Motl <andreas.motl at elmyra.de>
 Committer: Sven Nierlein <sven at nierlein.org>
      Date: Tue Feb 15 01:39:21 2022 +0100
       URL: https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/repositories/monitoring-plugins/commit/?id=6c8b45a

check_uptime: Fix lowercase typo in plugin output


 plugins-scripts/check_uptime.pl  |  2 +-
 plugins-scripts/t/check_uptime.t | 16 ++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plugins-scripts/check_uptime.pl b/plugins-scripts/check_uptime.pl
index 04324b2..f954287 100755
--- a/plugins-scripts/check_uptime.pl
+++ b/plugins-scripts/check_uptime.pl
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ if ( $opt_d ) {
 $msg = "$state_str: ";
-$msg .= "uptime is $uptime_text $uptime_unit. ";
+$msg .= "Uptime is $uptime_text $uptime_unit. ";
 $msg .= "Exceeds $out_of_bounds_text threshold. "  if  $out_of_bounds_text;
 $msg .= "Running for $pretty_uptime. "  if  $opt_f;
 if ( $opt_s ) {
diff --git a/plugins-scripts/t/check_uptime.t b/plugins-scripts/t/check_uptime.t
index b31d0c6..6e81db3 100644
--- a/plugins-scripts/t/check_uptime.t
+++ b/plugins-scripts/t/check_uptime.t
@@ -49,32 +49,32 @@ $result = NPTest->testCmd(
 	"./check_uptime -d -w 1 -c 2"
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 2, "Uptime higher than 2 seconds" );
-like  ( $result->output, '/CRITICAL: uptime is \d+ days/', "Output for the d parameter correct" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/CRITICAL: Uptime is \d+ days/', "Output for the d parameter correct" );
 $result = NPTest->testCmd(
 	"./check_uptime -w 1 -c 2"
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 2, "Uptime higher than 2 seconds" );
-like  ( $result->output, '/^CRITICAL: uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime higher than 2 seconds correct" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/^CRITICAL: Uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime higher than 2 seconds correct" );
 $result = NPTest->testCmd(
 	"./check_uptime -w 1 -c 9999w"
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 1, "Uptime lower than 9999 weeks" );
-like  ( $result->output, '/^WARNING: uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 9999 weeks correct" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/^WARNING: Uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 9999 weeks correct" );
 $result = NPTest->testCmd(
 	"./check_uptime -w 9998w -c 9999w"
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "Uptime lower than 9998 weeks" );
-like  ( $result->output, '/^OK: uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 9998 weeks correct" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/^OK: Uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 9998 weeks correct" );
 like  ( $result->output, '/\|uptime=[0-9]+s;6046790400;6047395200;/', "Checking for performance output" );
 $result = NPTest->testCmd(
 	"./check_uptime -w 111222d -c 222333d"
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "Uptime lower than 111222 days" );
-like  ( $result->output, '/^OK: uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 111222 days correct" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/^OK: Uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 111222 days correct" );
 like  ( $result->output, '/\|uptime=[0-9]+s;9609580800;19209571200;/', "Checking for performance output" );
 # Same as before, hopefully uptime is higher than 2 seconds so no warning
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ $result = NPTest->testCmd(
 	"./check_uptime -w 2:111222d -c 1:222333d"
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "Uptime lower than 111222 days, and higher 2 seconds" );
-like  ( $result->output, '/^OK: uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 111222 days, and higher 2 seconds correct" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/^OK: Uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 111222 days, and higher 2 seconds correct" );
 like  ( $result->output, '/\|uptime=[0-9]+s;9609580800;19209571200;/', "Checking for performance output" );
 # Same as before, now the low warning should trigger
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ $result = NPTest->testCmd(
 	"./check_uptime -w 111221d:111222d -c 1:222333d"
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 1, "Uptime lower than 111221 days raises warning" );
-like  ( $result->output, '/^WARNING: uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 111221 days correct" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/^WARNING: Uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 111221 days correct" );
 like  ( $result->output, '/Exceeds lower warn threshold/', "Exceeds text correct" );
 like  ( $result->output, '/\|uptime=[0-9]+s;9609580800;19209571200;/', "Checking for performance output" );
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ $result = NPTest->testCmd(
 	"./check_uptime -w 111221d:111222d -c 111220d:222333d"
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 2, "Uptime lower than 111220 days raises critical" );
-like  ( $result->output, '/^CRITICAL: uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 111220 days correct" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/^CRITICAL: Uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 111220 days correct" );
 like  ( $result->output, '/Exceeds lower crit threshold/', "Exceeds text correct" );
 like  ( $result->output, '/\|uptime=[0-9]+s;9609580800;19209571200;/', "Checking for performance output" );

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