[monitoring-plugins] check_disk: fix ignore-missing in combination ...

Sven Nierlein git at monitoring-plugins.org
Mon Nov 27 16:00:13 CET 2023

 Module: monitoring-plugins
 Branch: master
 Commit: 579db5a93071547f5484c1690b621a60b46b2e1e
 Author: Sven Nierlein <sven at consol.de>
   Date: Mon Nov 27 13:00:57 2023 +0100
    URL: https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/repositories/monitoring-plugins/commit/?id=579db5a

check_disk: fix ignore-missing in combination with includes (fixes #1963)

Using --ignore-missing together with regex matching and ignore option lead
to a wrong error message.

    ./check_disk -n -w 10% -c 5% -W 10% -r /dummy -i /dummy2
    DISK UNKNOWN: Paths need to be selected before using -i/-I. Use -A to select all paths explicitly

The use case here is a cluster with fail-over mounts. So it is a valid situation that
the regex match does not find anything in addtition with a ignore which also does not exist.

After this patch:

    ./check_disk -n -w 10% -c 5% -W 10% -r /dummy -i /dummy2
    DISK OK - No disks were found for provided parameters|


 plugins/check_disk.c   |  4 ++--
 plugins/t/check_disk.t | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plugins/check_disk.c b/plugins/check_disk.c
index e9a9ddd..c6bba24 100644
--- a/plugins/check_disk.c
+++ b/plugins/check_disk.c
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
   if (strcmp(output, "") == 0 && ! erronly) {
     preamble = "";
-    xasprintf (&output, " - No disks were found for provided parameters;");
+    xasprintf (&output, " - No disks were found for provided parameters");
   printf ("DISK %s%s%s%s%s|%s\n", state_text (result), ((erronly && result==STATE_OK)) ? "" : preamble, output, (strcmp(ignored, "") == 0) ? "" : ignored_preamble, ignored, perf);
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ process_arguments (int argc, char **argv)
       if (!fnd && ignore_missing == true) {
         path_ignored = true;
-        /* path_selected = true;*/
+        path_selected = true;
       } else if (!fnd)
         die (STATE_UNKNOWN, "DISK %s: %s - %s\n",_("UNKNOWN"),
diff --git a/plugins/t/check_disk.t b/plugins/t/check_disk.t
index ca035ce..bf8dd36 100644
--- a/plugins/t/check_disk.t
+++ b/plugins/t/check_disk.t
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ my $mountpoint2_valid = getTestParameter( "NP_MOUNTPOINT2_VALID", "Path to anoth
 if ($mountpoint_valid eq "" or $mountpoint2_valid eq "") {
 	plan skip_all => "Need 2 mountpoints to test";
 } else {
-	plan tests => 88;
+	plan tests => 94;
-$result = NPTest->testCmd( 
-	"./check_disk -w 1% -c 1% -p $mountpoint_valid -w 1% -c 1% -p $mountpoint2_valid" 
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
+	"./check_disk -w 1% -c 1% -p $mountpoint_valid -w 1% -c 1% -p $mountpoint2_valid"
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, "==", 0, "Checking two mountpoints (must have at least 1% free in space and inodes)");
 my $c = 0;
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ is ($crit_percth_data, int((1-10/100)*$total_percth_data), "Wrong critical in pe
 # Check when order of mount points are reversed, that perf data remains same
-$result = NPTest->testCmd( 
-	"./check_disk -w 1% -c 1% -p $mountpoint2_valid -w 1% -c 1% -p $mountpoint_valid" 
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
+	"./check_disk -w 1% -c 1% -p $mountpoint2_valid -w 1% -c 1% -p $mountpoint_valid"
 @_ = sort(split(/ /, $result->perf_output));
 is_deeply( \@perf_data, \@_, "perf data for both filesystems same when reversed");
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "Old syntax okay" );
 $result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_disk -w 1% -c 1% -p $more_free" );
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, "==", 0, "At least 1% free" );
-$result = NPTest->testCmd( 
-	"./check_disk -w 1% -c 1% -p $more_free -w 100% -c 100% -p $less_free" 
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
+	"./check_disk -w 1% -c 1% -p $more_free -w 100% -c 100% -p $less_free"
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, "==", 2, "Get critical on less_free mountpoint $less_free" );
 like( $result->output, $failureOutput, "Right output" );
@@ -151,14 +151,14 @@ $result = NPTest->testCmd(
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "Get ok on more_free mountpoint, when checking avg_free");
-$result = NPTest->testCmd( 
-	"./check_disk -w $avg_free% -c 0% -p $less_free -w $avg_free% -c $avg_free% -p $more_free" 
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
+	"./check_disk -w $avg_free% -c 0% -p $less_free -w $avg_free% -c $avg_free% -p $more_free"
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, "==", 1, "Combining above two tests, get warning");
 my $all_disks = $result->output;
 $result = NPTest->testCmd(
-	"./check_disk -e -w $avg_free% -c 0% -p $less_free -w $avg_free% -c $avg_free% -p $more_free" 
+	"./check_disk -e -w $avg_free% -c 0% -p $less_free -w $avg_free% -c $avg_free% -p $more_free"
 isnt( $result->output, $all_disks, "-e gives different output");
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ TODO: {
 	cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 3, "Invalid command line options" );
-$result = NPTest->testCmd( 
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
 	"./check_disk -p $mountpoint_valid -w 10% -c 15%"
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, "==", 3, "Invalid options: -p must come after thresholds" );
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 1, "grouping: exit warning if the sum of fre
 $result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_disk -w ". ($free_mb_on_all - 1) ." -c ". ($free_mb_on_all - 1) ." -g group -p $mountpoint_valid -p $mountpoint2_valid" );
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "grouping: exit ok if the sum of free megs on mp1+mp2 is more than warn/crit");
-# grouping: exit unknown if group name is given after -p 
+# grouping: exit unknown if group name is given after -p
 $result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_disk -w ". ($free_mb_on_all - 1) ." -c ". ($free_mb_on_all - 1) ." -p $mountpoint_valid -g group -p $mountpoint2_valid" );
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 3, "Invalid options: -p must come after groupname");
@@ -355,17 +355,17 @@ like( $result->output, qr/$mountpoint2_valid/,"ignore: output data does have $mo
 # ignore-missing: exit okay, when fs is not accessible
 $result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_disk --ignore-missing -w 0% -c 0% -p /bob");
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "ignore-missing: return okay for not existing filesystem /bob");
-like( $result->output, '/^DISK OK - No disks were found for provided parameters; - ignored paths: /bob;.*$/', 'Output OK');
+like( $result->output, '/^DISK OK - No disks were found for provided parameters - ignored paths: /bob;.*$/', 'Output OK');
 # ignore-missing: exit okay, when regex does not match
 $result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_disk --ignore-missing -w 0% -c 0% -r /bob");
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "ignore-missing: return okay for regular expression not matching");
-like( $result->output, '/^DISK OK - No disks were found for provided parameters;.*$/', 'Output OK');
+like( $result->output, '/^DISK OK - No disks were found for provided parameters.*$/', 'Output OK');
 # ignore-missing: exit okay, when fs with exact match (-E) is not found
 $result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_disk --ignore-missing -w 0% -c 0% -E -p /etc");
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "ignore-missing: return okay when exact match does not find fs");
-like( $result->output, '/^DISK OK - No disks were found for provided parameters; - ignored paths: /etc;.*$/', 'Output OK');
+like( $result->output, '/^DISK OK - No disks were found for provided parameters - ignored paths: /etc;.*$/', 'Output OK');
 # ignore-missing: exit okay, when checking one existing fs and one non-existing fs (regex)
 $result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_disk --ignore-missing -w 0% -c 0% -r '/bob' -r '^/\$'");
@@ -375,4 +375,19 @@ like( $result->output, '/^DISK OK - free space: \/ .*$/', 'Output OK');
 # ignore-missing: exit okay, when checking one existing fs and one non-existing fs (path)
 $result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_disk --ignore-missing -w 0% -c 0% -p '/bob' -p '/'");
 cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "ignore-missing: return okay for regular expression not matching");
-like( $result->output, '/^DISK OK - free space: / .*; - ignored paths: /bob;.*$/', 'Output OK');
\ No newline at end of file
+like( $result->output, '/^DISK OK - free space: / .*; - ignored paths: /bob;.*$/', 'Output OK');
+# ignore-missing: exit okay, when checking one non-existing fs (path) and one ignored
+$result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_disk -n -w 0% -c 0% -r /dummy -i /dummy2");
+cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "ignore-missing: return okay for regular expression not matching");
+like( $result->output, '/^DISK OK - No disks were found for provided parameters\|$/', 'Output OK');
+# ignore-missing: exit okay, when regex match does not find anything
+$result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_disk -n -e -l -w 10% -c 5% -W 10% -K 5% -r /dummy");
+cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "ignore-missing: return okay for regular expression not matching");
+like( $result->output, '/^DISK OK\|$/', 'Output OK');
+# ignore-missing: exit okay, when regex match does not find anything
+$result = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_disk -n -l -w 10% -c 5% -W 10% -K 5% -r /dummy");
+cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "ignore-missing: return okay for regular expression not matching");
+like( $result->output, '/^DISK OK - No disks were found for provided parameters\|$/', 'Output OK');

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