[Nagiosplug-devel] check_mysql cmd args fixed

Dave Viner dviner at yahoo-inc.com
Mon Dec 9 15:03:02 CET 2002

	I just downloaded and compiled the awesome plugins for Nagios from
sourceforge.  However, whenever I run check_mysql I get a coredump.  After
closer examinination, I discovered that there is a subtle error in the
processing of arguments from the command line.  I've attached a small patch
file which fixes this problem.  Essentially, this patch allows a user to
specify the host, user, password, database, and port in the arguments (but
not in the options).  I believe this is the intent of the code that is there
now.  This patch means that these two commands are identical:

	./check_mysql -H myhost.example.com -u myuser -p mypass -d mytbl -P 3306
	./check_mysql myhost.example.com myuser mypass mytbl 3306


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