[Nagiosplug-devel] check_oracle modifications

jmarquart at planalytics.com jmarquart at planalytics.com
Tue Jul 16 11:18:13 CEST 2002

Hello all,
     I have modified the check_oracle script such that it also has the ability
to check tablespaces.

I personally like to keep track of how much space is being used in each
tablespace (in a given instance) on my DB.

I hacked this very basic support in - it provides the following changes:

it adds a "--table" command that gets invoked as follows:
     ./check_oracle --table <USER> <PASS> <INST> <TABLESPACE> <CRITICAL>

this way you can simply add services for each/all your

the critical and warning fields are #MB that the tablespace must be above.

     ./check_oracle --table username passwd INST1 MY_TABLESPACE 1000 1500

would provide OK - if MY_TABLESPACE has > 1500MB free
     WARNING - if MY_TABLESPACE has > 1000MB  && <= 1500MB
     CRITICAL - if MY_TABLESPACE has <= 1000MB

attached is the patch for your perusal

-john(See attached file: check_oracle.patch)
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