[Nagiosplug-devel] Re: Nagios plugins and IPv6 support

Karl DeBisschop karl at debisschop.net
Sat Aug 9 06:15:02 CEST 2003

On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 02:18, Jeremy T. Bouse wrote:
> Karl,
> 	While writing my last email to you I was thinking... Should we not
> make some PR still news blurb on the plugins site or even possibly on
> Nagios about expecting full IPv4 and IPv6 support in the upcoming
> release? I really don't believe there is any open-source or commerical
> network monitoring service that has IPv6 support at all... Sorry if it
> sounds a lil marketing-ish as I just came back from spending a few days
> on the Linux World Expo 2003 show floor... I'd actually like to see if I
> couldn't possibly see Nagios/plugins and Firewall Builder two packages I
> maintain for Debian be able to give some display/demo at it next year to
> give it some more exposure...

While I support doing it, I'd need to take a back seat in that effort -
I'm burning up all my time in this code review, and I still need to put
hi-res timing into a bunch of plugins, plus add perf data.


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