[Nagiosplug-devel] Custom Plugins

Francesc Guasch frankie at etsetb.upc.es
Wed Jun 25 10:43:13 CEST 2003

Frederico Faria wrote:
> Hi,
>  I didn' t find  information  about how create my own plugins. Where I 
> can to get this information ?
You should read this, If you already havent.

Then you can write the plugins in the language you like more.
Many are written in C and perl. I think perl is the easiest
way. You just have to check whatever your plugin checks and
exit with the return code.

   If the check was ok: exit(0)
   if it sort of failed and it's a warning: exit(1)
   if it really failed critical: exit(2)
   if the check couldn't get an answer: exit(3)

Maybe you could read the source of another plugin and start
from there. Get the nagios-plugins sources.

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