[Nagiosplug-devel] First post.

Ben Clewett Ben.Clewett at roadrunner.uk.com
Wed Apr 7 05:03:12 CEST 2004

Posting from a newbe:

I have forked a plugin to satisfy IBM's HACMP setup on AIX UNIX.  I 
belive GPL required that I tell you and publish the code.  I hope this 
is correct and I have not offended the origional programmers.

It's a fork of check_disk which examins the 'path'.  If the path is 
valid and contains no files, it assumes it's an unmounted disk and 
returns OK.  The origional code will either check the parent file 
system, or reply "Disk \"%s\" not mounted or nonexistant\n".

The requirement to reply OK is for the IBM HACMP high-availability, 
which mounts and unmounts disks to move resources round.  An unmounted 
disk must reply OK, or most of my servers are listed as in error.

I do not know if this compiles under non-AIX OS.  However, it used the 
<dirent.h> which does appear on Linux, so the chances are good.

Code is attached for anybody who can make use of it.


Ben Clewett.

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