[Nagiosplug-devel] check_by_telnet

Ighor Toth ighor at brasilcenter.com.br
Sat Sep 25 08:31:01 CEST 2004

Hello, here I develop an php script to run in command line that gives,
memory, cpu and disk usage and if some process is running in
REMOTE linux host by telnet.
License GNU.

this file give to you:

check_disk_bt           = disk usage
check_load_bt           = cpu usage
check_memuse_bt   = memory
check_procs_bt    = process
README            = read me file
checkcommands.cfg       = samples
services.cfg            = samples

bt = by_telnet

I hope this script can help some one!


Ighor Toth <igtoth at netsite.com.br>.

(See attached file: check_by_telnet.tar.gz)

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