[Nagiosplug-devel] Re: Re: PluginHelp: php scripts give "Status:404"

Karim Vaes kvaes at vangenechten.com
Thu Mar 3 06:13:29 CET 2005

I know that check exist, but the check I'm making combines more things
than that check, plus the problem propagtes itself on other checks
(business specific) too... (like the test.php).

Thanks for the reply, but this one is an example to get all my php
scripts on track :)



>>> Subhendu Ghosh <sghosh at sghosh.org> 3/03/2005 13:57:56 >>>

Before coding - might want to see if there is an existing VmWare ESX 
plugin ;)


On Thu, 3 Mar 2005, Karim Vaes wrote:

> Thanks for the reply, but I already tried that part...
> Here are my configs:
> # 'check_esx' command definition
> define command {
> 	command_name	check_esx
> 	command_line	/usr/local/nagios/libexec/esx/test.php
> 	}
> define service{
> 	use				generic-service
> 	hostgroup_name			VMWARE
> 	service_description		VMWARE-CPU
> 	check_command			check_esx!CPU!85!90
> 	contact_groups			Helpdesk
> 	}
> /usr/local/nagios/libexec/esx/test.php
> #!/usr/bin/php -q
> <?php
> echo "Hello World\n";
> ?>
> and I still get:
> UNKNOWN 	03-03-2005 11:43:45 	0d 0h 1m 18s 	1/3 	Status:
> 404
> UNKNOWN 	03-03-2005 11:43:33 	0d 0h 1m 28s 	1/3 	Status:
> 404
> Regards
> Karim
> From: Andreas Ericsson <ae at ...>
> Subject: Re: PluginHelp: php scripts give "Status: 404"
> Newsgroups: gmane.network.nagios.plugins.devel
> Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2005 18:36:12 +0100
> Karim Vaes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to write some additional scripts for nagios.  The thing
> is
>> that my own coding skills are limited to php.  So I've written a
>> scripts that do what their supposed to do from commandline, yet
> I
>> configure them in nagios, I get a "Status: 404" in the status
>> information.
>> I did some research and found out that it's got something to do
>> the link between going from CGI to php.  Does anyone have any
> experience
>> with this, and could you give me some pointers on how I can get my
> php
>> scripts working?
> Try /usr/bin/php -q, which will cause it not to print http and html
> headers.
> The CLI version of PHP also supports hashbang lines, so you can add
> there
> #!/usr/bin/php -q
> <?php
> script(doing, cool, things);
> ?>
>> Thanks in advance
> Cheers.
>> Karim Vaes
>> Sys Admin Vangenechten Group
>> Config (file path's are correct)
>> # 'check_esx' command definition
>> define command {
>> 	command_name	check_esx
>> 	command_line	/usr/bin/php
>> /usr/local/nagios/libexec/esx/esx.php $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$
>> $ARG3$
>> 	}
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