[Nagiosplug-devel] check_swap on solaris with metadisk

sean finney seanius at seanius.net
Tue Jun 13 11:50:01 CEST 2006

hi folks,

On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 10:34:41AM +0100, Ben O'Hara wrote:
> The source for check_swap has the following
> #   ifdef sun
>        if (!allswaps) {
>                asprintf(&swap_command, "%s", "/usr/sbin/swap -s");
>                asprintf(&swap_format, "%s", "%*s %*dk %*s %*s + %*dk %*s =
> %dk
> %*s %dk %*s");
>                conv_factor = 2048;
>        }
> #   endif

what version of check_swap are you using?  also, running the check with
multiple -v arguments will provide more detailed output.

> Which to me suggests that its using swap -s for its calculations?

iirc, check_swap uses native swapctl() system calls in the latest
version, if it finds them available.  it also attempts to detect whether
the version of swapctl uses pages or blocks as units, though it's
possible something maybe wrong with the detection.

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