[Nagiosplug-devel] Patch to check_load to cater for multiple CPUs

Ton Voon ton.voon at altinity.com
Tue Apr 17 10:19:42 CEST 2007


Wanted to get a 2nd (or 3rd or 4th...) opinion on this. I've received  
a patch from a customer for check_load so that it divides the load  
averages by the number of CPUs (based on returned values from  
sysconf). This works on their Redhat servers, but I don't know if all  
unices provide this system call. I guess configure could see if  
sysconf was available and just return -1 if not - would that be  

Would we need to check for the existence of the _SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF  
attribute too?

Patch attached. Opinions?


T: +44 (0)870 787 9243
F: +44 (0)845 280 1725
Skype: tonvoon

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