[Nagiosplug-devel] plugins in java

jimmy.mathew1 at wipro.com jimmy.mathew1 at wipro.com
Wed Apr 2 14:28:54 CEST 2008


Is it possible to write nagios pugin in java

I tried to execute a shell script as nagios pugin that executes a java program

That script can be executed successfully in a particularly directory(/home/jj/slof/release/slomonitor)

But when i try to execute that script as a nagios plugin it gives java exception (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError).

I have defined the command for this plugin in commands.cfg with command_line as 
/home/jj/slof/release/slomonitor/xen_availb.sh where xen_availb.sh is the name of the script

please help


Jimmy Mathew


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