[Nagiosplug-devel] check_disk with -e option prints filesystem that are correct and have no errors after the "|"

Leonardo Richero lrichero at antel.com.uy
Tue Aug 12 15:47:44 CEST 2008

In order to simplify the configuration and adminstration of nagios, we
configured only one command to check all filesystem. And we want to see in
errors alarm only (not all filesystem).

With the current estable version of the plugin we could do that, but it prints
after a "|" lot of information of all filesystem even we use -e option (to only
see the erros).

Is could be posible to avoid print the things after the "|" ?

For example, is more legible to see that:
~/nagios-plugins-1.4.12> plugins/check_disk -e -w 30% -c 10%
DISK WARNING - free space: / 935 MB (27% inode=73%);

~/nagios-plugins-1.4.12> plugins/check_disk -e -w 30% -c 10%
DISK WARNING - free space: / 935 MB (27% inode=73%);| /=2413MB;2468;3174;0;3527
/dev=0MB;176;226;0;252 /opt/apps=636MB;2112;2716;0;3018

It could be posible to eliminate, (or filter only errors) in what is printed
after the "|" ?

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