[Nagiosplug-devel] Return internal Variables

Peter Spatz peter.spatz at xchanging.com
Fri Jun 6 14:31:56 CEST 2008



e.g. end of  a check:



 if [ $STATUS == "OK" ]


                echo "All Ressourcegroups in regular state !"


                echo "Ressourcegroup $RESS not in regular state !"

                exit 2



And $RESS is a variable which was used inside a loop filled with all
cluster resources. 


Running the check direct on the server returns what I want:


 root at svm103f1:/opt/nagios/libexec#

Ressourcegroup XPR-TRS-E2E not in regular state !


Nagios returns


Ressourcegroup       not in regular state !





Best Regards


Peter Spatz


Xchanging Transaction Bank GmbH - HRB 58 951 - Sitz Frankfurt - Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: David Andrews - Geschaeftsfuehrer: Joerg Brand, Mike Margetts, Andreas Povel, Thomas Runge

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