[Nagiosplug-devel] loading environment variables to nagios

Ovidiu Marcu Ovidiu.Marcu at tdn.de
Mon Mar 2 12:31:06 CET 2009


Is there a way to load environment variables to nagios?

I have set up check_oracle_health in my nagios but it does not work:
Nagios gives me the following message:
CRITICAL - cannot connect to nagios. ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified (DBD ERROR: OCIServerAttach)
Which means that nagios cannot find the environment variable TNS_ADMIN which I have defined in /etc/profiles

If I try manually as user nagios I get:
[nagios at nagios root]$ /usr/local/nagios/plugins/check_oracle_health --connect=nagios --user=nagios --password=pass --mode=tnsping
OK - connection established to nagios.

The TNS_ADMIN env seems to be ok:
[nagios at nagios root]$ echo $TNS_ADMIN

Viele Grüße,

Ovidiu Marcu

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