[Nagiosplug-devel] NRPE larger buffers

Ton Voon tonvoon at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 14:38:32 CEST 2011

On 29 Mar 2011, at 17:08, Daniel Wittenberg wrote:

> I’ve seen this problem posted from many sources over the years, but alas, there is no way to dynamically adjust the NRPE buffers in the main code.
> I updated nrpe-2.12/include/common.h:
> #define MAX_INPUT_BUFFER        20480
> I can then use check_nrpe to talk to our nslclient (with string_length=20480) and everything appears to work fine.  However, when talking to nrpe, even localhost, I still get some CRC failure messages.  For the heck of it I disabled that fatal return code, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.  Any clue why crc would sometimes fail and sometimes not ?  I looked at the code but didn’t see anything obvious.  There was a nice patch from op5 for nrpe:
> http://labs.opsview.com/2008/08/enhancing-nrpe-for-large-output/

*Ahem*. Opsview, not op5 :)

> But there’s no patch for nsclient to do this and since I have multi-platforms to support that doesn’t work so well for me.  Any other clues how to get this to work stable with larger buffer sizes?

You would have to patch nsclient++ to include this. Michael Medin is the developer and I'm sure he'd welcome a working example.


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