[Nagiosplug-devel] Patch for check_procs

Покотиленко Константин Александрович casper at meteor.dp.ua
Fri Sep 9 10:03:43 CEST 2011

Hi, I've made a patch for check_procs (check_procs_perf) to add those

- Total warning and total critical thresholds ranges (options -x, -y)
   applied to summary metric across all processes that matched filter
- Extended status information for failed processes:
   pid, metric and value (not applicable for PROC metric)
- Added Global status (max of total and per-process) as well as
   total status and usual per-process status
- Performance data dependant on metric requested: PROC, VSZ, RSS, CPU
   -v as required to output performance data
   total warning and total critical are used as thresholds in
   performance data

Please tell what you think on this. Maybe consider including it as 
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