Check_snmp fails to return OID translations when thresholds are added.

Holger Weiß holger at
Thu Dec 5 19:47:01 CET 2013

* Robert Ennis <robert.ennis at> [2013-12-04 12:45]:
> I'm using Centos 6.4, have all my MIB files included and netsnmp is happy so I can do something like:
> ./check-snmp -H -c communitystring  -o RFC1213-MIB::ifOperStatus.5001
> And get:
> SNMP OK - up(1) |
> Where up is the translation of 1 from the associated MIB. Great!
> The problem is that as soon as I add thresholds to check_snmp this breaks. E.g.
> ./check-snmp -H  -c communitystring  -o RFC1213-MIB::ifOperStatus.5001 -c 1:1
> This gives me:
> SNMP OK - 1 | RFC1213-MIB::ifOperStatus.5001=1
> So I get the extra info as expected but loose the translation of what 1 means. Bummer!

If you specify a string to match (instead of a 1:1 range), the output
should be left alone:

	check-snmp [...] --string='up(1)'

Maybe this will do the trick for you?


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