[nagios-plugins] Fix #1217 spec file fails to build due to duplicate files and unused files (#1219)

Holger Weiß notifications at github.com
Tue Dec 17 18:37:00 CET 2013

[The one from Fedora](http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/nagios-plugins.git/tree/nagios-plugins.spec) is for building version 1.5 of the Plugins.  And the RepoForge guys would probably be happier to accept a patch that updates their SPEC file than we are.

I just think the repositories of upstream projects are not the best place for maintaining distribution-specific things.  I for one cannot maintain the SPEC file properly, as I'm not an RPM user.  The same is true for the [Solaris package build script](https://github.com/nagios-plugins/nagios-plugins/tree/maint/pkg/solaris).  And I'm not keen on explaining users of arbitrary foo distributions why I don't want to also add their packaging stuff ...

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