Exit on stderr (#1299)

nafets notifications at github.com
Wed Nov 19 20:16:01 CET 2014

We need the option  to bail out with an error, if there is something on
E.g. someone is defining: 
stty erase ^H

without any checks in the users profile (.bashrc or .profile)

Sorry for the GIT hussle
You can merge this Pull Request by running:

  git pull https://github.com/nafets/monitoring-plugins exit_on_stderr

Or you can view, comment on it, or merge it online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * added option to exit with an warning, if there is output on STDERR
  * avoid segfault, if ulimit is not set
  * Revert "avoid segfault, if ulimit is not set", should be done in a

-- File Changes --

    M plugins/check_by_ssh.c (14)

-- Patch Links --


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