Question about check_nt on 2 cpu server

Fredrik Mikker fmikker at
Fri Mar 23 13:17:55 CET 2018

Hi Andrew,
According to the documentation this should be possible (at least via
NRPE) by using the filter "filter=none".

You can find some more information in the docs:

Hope this helps somewhat. Good Luck!

On 2018-03-15 15:34, Andrew Mayer wrote:
> Hello,
> I’ve run into an issue while using check_nt to monitor CPU load on
> windows servers from my instance of Nagios core. I’m running NSClient
> 3.8 or 4.3 and it has become apparent that the CPU utilization
> information I receive back is only ever for CPU 0 and not the total
> system load. I’ve been able to replicate this issue on multiple systems
> and I’m wondering if I’m missing a variable  in my config. An example of
> how I’m using the plugin is:
> In the cfg for a system:
> define service{
>         use                     247service
>         host_name               HOSTNAME
>         service_description     CPU Load
>         check_command           check_nt!CPULOAD!-l 5,80,90
>         }
> And I’ve defined the command in commands.cfg under objects:
> define command{
>         command_name    check_nt
>         command_line    $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 12489 -s
>         }
> I’ve checked multiple forums and I’m not seeing a similar reported issue
> so I’m wondering if I am just missing something obvious.


Fredrik Mikker | Operations engineer/Open Source Community Manager | OP5
Phone  +46 (0)31-352 56 00
Email: fredrik.mikker at
OP5 AB | Första Långgatan 19 | 413 27 Göteborg | Sweden
VAT SE556582913101
Twitter: @op5ab
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