# Nagios::Plugin::Getopt spec-to-help generation tests use strict; use Test::More tests => 11; BEGIN { use_ok('Nagios::Plugin::Getopt') }; # Needed to get evals to work in testing Nagios::Plugin::Functions::_use_die(1); my %PARAM = ( version => '0.01', usage => "Don't use this plugin!", ); sub setup { # Instantiate object my $ng = Nagios::Plugin::Getopt->new(%PARAM); ok($ng, 'constructor ok'); # Positional args, no short arguments, INTEGER $ng->arg('warning=i' => qq(Exit with WARNING status if less than INTEGER foobars are free), 5); # Named args, long + short arguments, INTEGER $ng->arg( spec => 'critical|c=i', help => qq(Exit with CRITICAL status if less than INTEGER foobars are free), required => 1, ); # Named args, multiple short arguments, STRING, default expansion $ng->arg( spec => 'x|y|z=s', help => qq(Foobar. Default: %s), default => "XYZ", ); # Named args, multiple mixed, no label $ng->arg( spec => 'long|longer|longest|l', help => qq(Long format), ); # Named args, long + short, explicit label $ng->arg( spec => 'hostname|H=s', label => 'ADDRESS', help => qq(Hostname), ); # Positional args, long only, explicit label $ng->arg('avatar=s', 'Avatar', undef, undef, 'AVATAR'); # Multiline help test, named args $ng->arg( spec => 'disk=s', label => [ qw(BYTES PERCENT%), undef ], help => [ qq(Disk limit in BYTES), qq(Disk limit in PERCENT), qq(Disk limit in FOOBARS (Default: %s)), ], default => 1024, ); # Multiline help test, positional args $ng->arg( 'limit=s', [ qq(Limit in BYTES), qq(Limit in PERCENT), ], undef, undef, [ undef, 'PERCENT%' ], ); return $ng; } my $ng; @ARGV = ( '--help' ); $ng = setup; ok(! defined eval { $ng->getopts }, 'getopts died on help'); like($@, qr/\n --warning=INTEGER/, 'warning ok'); like($@, qr/\n -c, --critical=INTEGER/, 'critical ok'); like($@, qr/\n -x, -y, -z=STRING\n Foobar. Default: XYZ\n/, 'x|y|z ok'); like($@, qr/\n -l, --long, --longer, --longest\n Long format\n/, 'long ok'); like($@, qr/\n -H, --hostname=ADDRESS\n Hostname\n/, 'hostname ok'); like($@, qr/\n --avatar=AVATAR\n Avatar\n/, 'avatar ok'); like($@, qr/\n --disk=BYTES\n Disk limit in BYTES\n --disk=PERCENT%\n Disk limit in PERCENT\n --disk=STRING\n Disk limit in FOOBARS \(Default: 1024\)\n/, 'disk multiline ok'); like($@, qr/\n --limit=STRING\n Limit in BYTES\n --limit=PERCENT%\n Limit in PERCENT\n/, 'limit multiline ok'); #print $@;