#!/usr/local/bin/perl # use strict; use warnings; #use Test::More qw(no_plan); use Test::More tests => 14; my ($r,$args); my $s = 't/check_stuff.pl'; $s = 'perl -Ilib '.$s; my $n = 'STUFF'; # Nagios status strings and exit codes my %e = qw( OK 0 WARNING 1 CRITICAL 2 UNKNOWN 3 ); $r = `$s`; is $?>>8 , $e{UNKNOWN}, "exits($e{UNKNOWN}) with no args"; like $r, qr/^$n UNKNOWN/, "UNKNOWN with no args"; $r = `$s -V`; is $?>>8 , $e{UNKNOWN}, "exits($e{UNKNOWN}) with -V arg"; like $r, qr/^[\w\.]+ \d+/i, "looks like there's a version"; $r = `$s -h`; is $?>>8 , $e{UNKNOWN}, "exits($e{UNKNOWN}) with -h arg"; like $r, qr/usage/i, "looks like there's something helpful"; # broken $args = " -r 99 "; diag "running `$s $args`" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; $r = `$s $args`; diag "output: '$r'" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; is $?>>8 , $e{UNKNOWN}, "exits($e{UNKNOWN}) with $args"; like $r, qr/UNKNOWN.+invalid/i, "UNKNOWN (warning: invalid -r) with $args"; my $expected = { " -w 10:15 -c~:15 -r 0" => 'WARNING', " -w 10:15 -c~:15 -r 11" => 'OK', " -w 10:15 -c~:15 -r 15.8" => 'CRITICAL', }; test_expected( $s, $expected ); sub test_expected { my $s = shift; my $expected = shift; foreach ( keys %$expected ) { diag "running `$s $_`" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; $r = `$s $_`; diag "output: '$r'" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; is $?>>8 , $e{$expected->{$_}}, "exits($e{$expected->{$_}}) with $_"; like $r, qr/^$n $expected->{$_}/i, "looks $expected->{$_} with $_"; } }