Nagios Plugins ============== * For instructions on installing these plugins for use with Nagios, see below. In addition, generic instructions for the GNU toolchain can be found in the `INSTALL` file. * For major changes between releases, read the `NEWS` file. * For information on detailed changes that have been made or plugins that have been added, read the `ChangeLog` file. * Some plugins require that you have additional programs and/or libraries installed on your system before they can be used. Plugins that are dependent on other programs/libraries that are missing are usually not compiled. Read the `REQUIREMENTS` file for more information. * Individual plugins are self-documenting. All plugins that comply with the basic guidelines for development will provide detailed help when invoked with the `-h` or `--help` options. You can check for the latest plugins at: * Send an email to for assistance. Please include the OS type and version that you are using. Also, run the plugin with the `-vvv` option and provide the resulting version information. Of course, there may be additional diagnostic information required as well. Use good judgment. Send an email to for developer discussions. For patch submissions and bug reports, please use the appropriate resources at . Installation Instructions ------------------------- 1. If you are using the Git tree, you will need m4, gettext, automake, and autoconf. To start out, run: ./tools/setup For more detail, see the developer guidelines at . 2. Run the configure script to initialize variables and create a Makefile, etc. ./configure --prefix=BASEDIRECTORY --with-cgiurl=SOMEURL Replace `BASEDIRECTORY` with the path of the directory under which Nagios is installed (default is `/usr/local/nagios`), and replace `SOMEURL` with the path used to access the Nagios CGIs with a web browser (default is `/nagios/cgi-bin`). 3. Compile the plugins with the following command: make 4. Install the compiled plugins and plugin scripts with the following command: make install The installation procedure will attempt to place the plugins in a `libexec/` subdirectory in the base directory you specified with the `--prefix` argument to the configure script. 5. There are some plugins that require setuid. If you run make install as a non-root user, they will not be installed. To install, switch to root and run: make install-root That's it! If you have any problems or questions, feel free to send an email to . License Notice -------------- You can redistribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version; with the additional exemption that compiling, linking, and/or using OpenSSL is allowed. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the `COPYING` file for the complete text of the GNU General Public License, version 3.