#!/usr/bin/perl # denao - denao@uol.com.br - Systems Engineering # Universo Online - http://www.uol.com.br use DBI; use Time::Local; my $t_lambuja = 5; # (expire_minutes) my $databasename = ""; # The name of nagios database (i.e.: nagios) my $table = "programstatus"; my $where = "localhost"; # The machine where the database my $port = "3306"; my $base = "DBI:mysql:$databasename:$where:$port"; my $user = ""; # the user to connect to the database # (needs permission to "select at programstatus table only" my $password = ""; # the password (if any) my %results; my @fields = qw( last_update ); my $dbh = DBI->connect($base,$user,$password); my $fields = join(', ', @fields); my $query = "SELECT $fields FROM $table"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(); @results{@fields} = (); $sth->bind_columns(map { \$results{$_} } @fields); $sth->fetch(); $sth->finish(); $dbh->disconnect(); check_update(); sub check_update { ($yea,$mon,$day,$hou,$min,$sec)=($results{last_update}=~/(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+)\s(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)/); ($sec_now, $min_now, $hou_now, $day_now, $mon_now, $yea_now) = (localtime(time))[0,1,2,3,4,5]; $mon_now+=1; $yea_now+=1900; $unixdate=timelocal($sec,$min,$hou,$day,$mon,$yea); $unixdate_now=timelocal($sec_now,$min_now,$hou_now,$day_now,$mon_now,$yea_now); if (scalar($unixdate_now - $unixdate) > scalar($t_lambuja * 60)) { print "Nagios problem: nagios is down, for at least " . scalar($t_lambuja) . " minutes.\n"; exit(1); } else { print "Nagios ok: status data updated " . scalar($unixdate_now - $unixdate) . " seconds ago\n"; exit(0); } }