NOTES ON RELEASING NEW VERSION OF NAGIOSPLUG *** Pre-release git pull . tools/devmode, if feeling adventurous check compilation, check tinderbox screens *** Prepare and commit files Update BUGS, NEWS file Update AUTHORS if new members Update, package.def and NP-VERSION-GEN with version Run git2cl (get from git2cl >Changelog commit BUGS NEWS package.def ChangeLog *** Create new tag git tag release-1.4.14 *** Checkout new version rm -fr /tmp/nagioslug # If you need to checkout the tag, don't forget to "checkout master" later to # get back to your development branch: git checkout tags/release-1.4.14 # Beware: the trailing slash of --prefix is REQUIRED git checkout-index --prefix=/tmp/nagioslug/ -a *** Build the tarball cd /tmp/nagioslug tools/setup ./configure make dist *** Upload generated tarball to sourceforge sftp SF username and password cd /uploads put file SF -> Submit News about release. Make sure it is called "Nagios Plugins" (with those caps) Link to download at Include contents of NEWS for this release List all people on team involved. Add acknowledgement to contributors Submit. Get URL to news item SF -> Admin -> File Releases Add a release to nagiosplug and create a file release Name: 1.4.1 Create release Step 1: Add release notes pointing to news item Step 2: add file Step 3: *.tar.gz, Platform Independent, Source .gz Step 4: Send notice Send email to nagiosplug-help, nagios-announce with the news text Add a news item to