#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Cache; use Test; use vars qw($tests); BEGIN {$tests = 6; plan tests => $tests} my $null = ''; my $cmd; my $str; my $t; $cmd = "./check_swap 100 100"; $str = `$cmd`; $t += ok $?>>8,0; print "Test was: $cmd\n" if ($?); $t += ok $str, '/^Swap ok - Swap used\: +[0-9]{1,2}\% \([0-9]+ bytes out of [0-9]+\)$/'; $cmd = "./check_swap 0 0"; $str = `$cmd`; $t += ok $?>>8,2; print "Test was: $cmd\n" unless ($?); $t += ok $str, '/^CRITICAL - Swap used\: +[0-9]{1,2}\% \([0-9]+ bytes out of [0-9]+\)$/'; $cmd = "./check_swap 100 100 1000000000 1000000000"; $str = `$cmd`; $t += ok $?>>8,2; print "Test was: $cmd\n" unless ($?); $t += ok $str, '/^CRITICAL - Swap used\: +[0-9]{1,2}\% \([0-9]+ bytes out of [0-9]+\)$/'; exit(0) if defined($Test::Harness::VERSION); exit($tests - $t);