#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $file = '../Cache'; unless (-f "$file.pm") { open(CACHE,">$file.pm") or die "Cannot open cache"; print CACHE "package Cache; require Exporter; \@ISA=qw(Exporter); \@EXPORT=qw(); 1; "; close CACHE; } use Helper; my ($tstdir,$spath,$hostname,$mailhost,$noserver,$nullhost,$quickcheck); use Getopt::Long; GetOptions ("tstdir:s"=>\$tstdir, "spath:s"=>\$spath, "hostname:s"=>\$hostname, "mailhost:s"=>\$mailhost, "noserver:s"=>\$noserver, "nullhost:s"=>\$nullhost, "quickcheck"=>\$quickcheck); $spath = "." unless ($spath); unless ($quickcheck) { $hostname = get_option("hostname","host for FTP/HTTP/UDP tests") unless ($hostname); $mailhost = get_option("mailhost","host for SMTP/IMAP/POP tests") unless ($mailhost); $noserver = get_option("noserver","host that rejects above services") unless ($noserver); # This machine should not be locatable from your network. Use IP # private addresses like 10.x.x.x and pick one that does not exist # on your LAN/WAN $nullhost = get_option("nullhost","nonexistent IP address (e.g.,") unless ($nullhost); } my @dots; if (@ARGV) { @dots = @ARGV; } else { unless ($tstdir) { if (-d './t') { $tstdir = './t'; } else { $tstdir = $ENV{PWD}; $tstdir = `/bin/pwd` unless defined($tstdir); chomp $tstdir; if (defined($tstdir)) { $tstdir =~ s|^(.*)/([^/]+)/?$|$1/$2|; if (-d "../../$2/t") { $tstdir = "../../$2/t"; } elsif (-d "$tstdir/t") { $tstdir = "$tstdir/t"; } } else { die "Could not get PWD from environment\n"; } } } $tstdir = './t' unless ($tstdir); opendir(DIR, $tstdir) || die "can't opendir $tstdir: $!"; while ($file = readdir(DIR)) { push @dots, "$tstdir/$file" if ($file =~ m/^[^\.]+\.t$/); } closedir DIR; } my $prog; my $test; my @progs; foreach $test (@dots) { $prog=`basename $test .t`; chomp $prog; if ( -e "$prog" ){ push @progs, "$test"; }else{ print "No binary found for $prog\n"; } } use Test::Harness; #$Test::Harness::verbose=1; runtests(@progs);