title: Can I submit a patch? parent: FAQ --- # Can I submit a patch? Of course you can! This is an open source project! Ideally, [fork][fork] our [repository][repo] and create a [pull request][pull] on [GitHub][github], so your patch doesn't get lost. Then chase up via the [development mailing list][list], if nothing happens. But be aware, this project is run by volunteers, so there is not necessarily immediate response! By submitting a pull request, you are stating that this is your own work or you have full rights to it. If your pull request is accepted, we will (of course) retain the Git author name and email address, and we'll add your name to the list of contributors in the [THANKS][thanks] file. [repo]: https://github.com/nagios-plugins/repositories "Our Repositories" [fork]: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo "Fork Documentation" [pull]: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests "Pull Request Documentation" [github]: https://github.com/ "GitHub" [list]: list/listinfo/devel/ "Development Mailing List" [thanks]: repositories/nagios-plugins/plain/THANKS.in "THANKS File"