title: FAQ parent: Documentation --- # FAQ This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding the Monitoring Plugins. ## General * [Who controls the project?][control] * [Did you fork the Nagios Plugins?][fork] * [What license is the code distributed under?][license] * [Can I submit a patch?][contribute] * [Do you accept donations?][donations] ## Compiling * [How do I compile the plugins?][compilation] * [The configure script appears to hang][configure-hangs] * [Why doesn't the --ssl option work?][ssl] * [How do I build the Monitoring::Plugin module?][build-perl-module] * [Building check\_mysql fails on Solaris][mixing-compilers] * [Why use pst3 for check\_procs on Solaris?][ps-on-solaris] ## Installing * [How do I install the plugins?][installation] * [Why aren't the root plugins installed?][root-plugins] * [Which user owns the installed plugins?][ownership] * [Shouldn't I use a binary package instead?][packages] ## Development * [How do I use Git?][git] * [How should a plugin be written?][guidelines] * [Private C APIs][c-apis] * [How do I prove the C routines work?][libtap] * [Can I add extra tests to the C routines?][extra-tests] * [How do the NPTest parameters work?][nptest] * [How do I use and update Gnulib?][gnulib] * [How do I use the Monitoring::Plugin module?][use-perl-module] * [How do I modify NagiosMIB?][nagiosmib] * [Can I reuse Monitoring Plugins code?][reuse] [control]: doc/faq/control.html [fork]: doc/faq/fork.html [license]: doc/faq/license.html [contribute]: doc/faq/contribute.html [donations]: doc/faq/donations.html [compilation]: doc/faq/compilation.html [configure-hangs]: doc/faq/configure-hangs.html [ssl]: doc/faq/ssl.html [build-perl-module]: doc/faq/build-perl-module.html [mixing-compilers]: doc/faq/mixing-compilers.html [ps-on-solaris]: doc/faq/ps-on-solaris.html [installation]: doc/faq/installation.html [root-plugins]: doc/faq/root-plugins.html [ownership]: doc/faq/ownership.html [packages]: doc/faq/packages.html [git]: doc/faq/git.html [guidelines]: doc/faq/guidelines.html [c-apis]: doc/faq/private-c-api.html [libtap]: doc/faq/libtap.html [extra-tests]: doc/faq/extra-tests.html [nptest]: doc/faq/nptest.html [gnulib]: doc/faq/gnulib.html [use-perl-module]: doc/faq/use-perl-module.html [nagiosmib]: doc/faq/nagiosmib.html [reuse]: doc/faq/reuse.html