title: Using Nagios::Plugin parent: FAQ --- # How do I use the Nagios::Plugin module? The Nagios::Plugin Perl module can be obtained from two main locations: * from the Monitoring Plugins tarball with an [extra configure option][configure-module] * from [CPAN][cpan-module] If you install from the Monitoring Plugins tarball, the Perl module will be installed in `$prefix/perl`. If you install from CPAN, the Perl module will be installed into your Perl's system directories by default. To write your plugin, you should start it with: use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../perl/lib"; use Nagios::Plugin; This bit of code tells Perl to look for the Nagios::Plugin module in a directory relative to where the plugin is executed - this is a hard dependency. If Nagios::Plugin is not found there, Perl's system directories will be searched. This approach allows a system administrator to decide whether they want Nagios::Plugin installed via system directories or within the `$prefix` area of the plugins. [configure-module]: doc/faq/build-perl-module.html "configure with Nagios::Plugin" [cpan-module]: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Nagios-Plugin/ "Nagios::Plugin on CPAN"