title: Documentation parent: Home menu: 4 --- # Documentation ## Basics The main Nagios Plugins documentation is split into two parts: 1. **[Manual Pages][man]** This part provides documentation for each individual plugin. 2. **[FAQ][faq]** The FAQ section offers additional information on the Nagios Plugins package as a whole. ## Advanced Topics These documents cover specific topics that go beyond the basics: * **[Extra-Opts][opts]** Telling plugins to read options from a configuration file. * **[Writing Perl Plugins][video]** This is a video that shows how to write your own check using the [Nagios::Plugin][module] Perl module. * **[Nagios Plugin Development Guidelines][guidelines]** Reference documentation for plugin developers. [man]: doc/man/index.html "Manual Pages" [faq]: doc/faq/index.html "Frequently Asked Questions" [opts]: doc/extra-opts.html [video]: doc/presentation.html "Nagios::Plugin Presentation" [module]: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Nagios-Plugin/ "Nagios::Plugin" [guidelines]: doc/guidelines.html