title: FOSDEM Talk parent: Documentation --- # Writing Perl Plugins Former Nagios Plugins team lead Ton Voon gave a 15-minutes lightning talk about the Nagios Plugins at [FOSDEM][fosdem]. He made a screencast of [the presentation][talk] in Quicktime format (35 MB): * [fosdem.mov][screencast] The `check_weather` script demonstrated in the screencast is also available for download, with additional comments: * [check_weather.pl][script] Both files are also available via FTP mirrors, see our [download page][download]. [fosdem]: https://fosdem.org/ "FOSDEM" [talk]: https://archive.fosdem.org/2007/schedule/events/lt_nagios_plugins.html "Ton's Talk" [screencast]: https://www.nagios-plugins.org/download/presentation/fosdem.mov "Screencast" [script]: https://www.nagios-plugins.org/download/presentation/check_weather.pl "check_weather" [download]: download.html "Download"