title: Bug Squashing Sprint author: Holger Weiß date: 2014-11-21 --- We're going to have a "bug squashing sprint" on Friday, November 28. The idea is to tackle a number of pull requests and bug reports in a joint effort, as that will be more fun than doing it all alone. Our main communication channel will be the [#monitoring-plugins][plugins-irc] IRC room on [freenode][freenode]. Anyone interested is welcome to join us! Development skills aren't required: Things like categorizing issues, testing fixes, and digging up entertaining [xkcd][xkcd] comics will help a lot. We're looking forward to meet you on Friday! [plugins-irc]: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=monitoring-plugins "Web Chat" [freenode]: http://freenode.net/ "Freenode Network" [xkcd]: http://xkcd.com/ "xkcd"