title: Version 2.0 Released author: Holger Weiß date: 2014-07-11 --- The Monitoring Plugins Development Team is proud to announce the first release under the new project name: Version 2.0 of the Monitoring Plugins! This release comes with various enhancements and fixes provided by more than twenty contributors. Many thanks to all of you! Let me also take the chance to welcome our newest team member, Sam Kottler. He already did lots of patch review for this release, and his expertise will no doubt help us a lot in the future, so we're really happy to have him on board! One of the significant changes in the new release is that the Extra-Opts feature is now enabled by default. This lets you use a configuration file to specify plugin options. See [the documentation][extra-opts] for details. For the list of other major changes in this release, see below. Note that a few of them might break certain configurations (hence the major version bump). Those are mentioned at [the bottom of that list][warnings], so please be sure to check whether they might affect you. You can get the tarball from our [download page][download]. ## Enhancements * `check_mailq` now supports auto detection of *qmail*, *postfix*, *exim* and *nullmailer* with fallback to *sendmail* * `check_ide_smart` now defaults to plugin output, original output appended with `-v` * [Extra-Opts][extra-opts] are now enabled by default * `check_swap` now supports a configurable state when there is no swap * `check_radius` now supports the [FreeRADIUS Client library][freeradius-lib] * New `check_mysql_query` `-f` option to specify a client options file * New `check_mysql_query` `-g` option to specify a client options group * Add performance data to `check_mysql_query` * New `check_file_age` `-i`/`--ignore-missing` option to return `OK` on nonexistent files * Make `check_ping`, `check_users`, and `check_disk` work on [Windows][windows] * New `check_ssh` `-P` option to specify the expected SSH protocol version * `check_dns` now emits the warning and critical thresholds with the performance data ## Fixes * Don't let e.g. `check_http`'s `-C` option reset SSL version if e.g. `-S` `1` `-C` `5` is specified * Don't have `check_http`'s `-N` option expect an argument * `check_ide_smart` could disable offline auto-tests but could not re-enable them. For this reason all SMART command modes have been disabled * `check_dig`: fix wrong IPv6 arguments order (Stéphane Bortzmeyer) * `check_dig`: make sure not to give up too early when a timeout is specified with `-t` * `check_log`: don't stumble over log lines that include a `%` character * `check_nt`: add `UPTIME` to perfdata * Handle SNMPv3 `noAuthNoPriv` properly with `check_snmp` * Fix compilation with [GnuTLS][gnutls] ## Warnings * New default installation prefix: `/usr/local` instead of `/usr/local/nagios` * `check_snmp` now evaluates negative values properly, which means it might return `CRITICAL` in cases where it used to return `OK`. If this is undesired, the warning/critical threshold(s) must be fixed by specifying e.g. `~:100` instead of `100` * `check_procs` now ignores its parent process to avoid unexpected results when invoked via certain shells * `utils.sh` no longer defines `ECH` * `check_ide_smart` `-q`/`--quiet` and `-n`/`--nagios` (Nagios-compatible output) are now deprecated but accepted for backward-compatibility * `check_ide_smart` `-0`/`--auto-off`, `-1`/`--auto-on` and `-i`/`--immediate`: options have been disabled because they were broken * State retention: the `NAGIOS_PLUGIN_STATE_DIRECTORY` environment variablew has been renamed `MP_STATE_PATH`. The old variable will continue to work in v2.0.x * Add the UID of the invoking user to the state retention file path. This helps solving permission issues when different users run the same plugin * `check_swap` used to allow returning `OK` on a system without swap when only percent thresholds were used. This is no longer the case and one must now use `-n`/`--no-swap=` * The Perl and Shell plugins now use the `PATH` specified via `./configure`'s `--trusted-path` option, or `/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin` by default [download]: /download.html [warnings]: #warnings [extra-opts]: /doc/extra-opts.html [freeradius-lib]: http://freeradius.org/freeradius-client/ [gnutls]: http://www.gnutls.org/ [windows]: http://windows.microsoft.com/