title: Version 2.1 Released author: Holger Weiß date: 2014-10-15 --- The Monitoring Plugins Development Team is proud to announce version 2.1 of the Monitoring Plugins! This release comes with various enhancements and fixes provided by more than ten contributors. Many thanks to all of you! For the list of notable changes in this release, see below. You can get the tarball from our [download page][download]. ## Enhancements * New `check_hpjd` `-p` option for port specification * New `./configure` `--with-qmail-qstat-command` option to specify the path to `qmail-qstat(8)` * New `check_ifstatus` `-n` option to ignore interfaces by name * `check_ntp_peer` now has specific state output for each metric * New `check_mysql` `-n` option to ignore authentication failures * `check_tcp` now mentions IP address and port or socket name in error messages * New `check_ntp_time` `-o` option to add expected offset * In verbose mode, `check_disk` now shows which partitions actually cause an error state * `check_dig` now supports using the `drill(1)` tool * `check_dig` now supports the `-6` option * `check_file_age` now emits performance data ## Fixes * Fix `check_jabber` to work with Openfire servers * Fix bad string matching in `check_oracle` when testing TNS server * Fix `check_ifstatus` performance data output * Fix certificate expire time output * `check_dns` now verifies that the answer is coming from the queried server * Fix `check_by_ssh` to accept `--hostname` as argument ## Warnings * This release doesn't ship with an RPM spec file, please contribute to [PR #1283][spec-issue] if you are interested in it [download]: /download.html [spec-issue]: https://github.com/monitoring-plugins/monitoring-plugins/pull/1283