[Nagiosplug-devel] RESOLVED pb with nrpe and check_oracle

carole verdon verdon at cict.fr
Tue Jun 8 01:49:01 CEST 2004


I found the solution of my problem.

In fact, in my script i use a tempory file that it don't create when i 
use check_nrpe. So, i indicate a path (/tmp/_...) and now it works well.

I  join again my scripts if that can interest someone.


carole verdon wrote:

> Hi,
> I wrote a script, check_oracle_databases.sh, that would permit to take 
> dynamically into account the file /etc/oratab to verify all databases 
> that it contains.
> This script calls the check_oracle.sh script.
> On remote host (HP-UX server), the script works fine:
> $ /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle_databases.sh
> + /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle_databases.sh
> all databases OK
> but on nagios server (solaris server), it don't work.
> if in my check_oracle_databases.sh script i put the following lines, i 
> obtain that:
> if [ $result -eq 0 ] ; then
>    echo "all databases OK"
>    exit $STATE_OK
> else
>    echo "$result"
>    echo "$database_sid Database is DOWN"
> fi
> ./check_nrpe_nossl -H telline.cict.fr -c check_oracle
> CHECK_NRPE: No output returned from daemon.
> if in my check_oracle_databases.sh script i put this:
> if [ $result -eq 0 ] ; then
>    echo "all databases OK"
>    exit $STATE_OK
> elif [ $result -eq 1 ] ; then
>    echo "$result"
>    echo "$database_sid Database is DOWN"
> fi
> I obtain :
> ./check_nrpe_nossl -H telline.cict.fr -c check_oracle
> NRPE: Unable to read output
> N.B: command defined in nrpe.cfg on remote host:
> command[check_oracle]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle_databases.sh
> I don't understand why nrpe (compiled without ssl) don't arrive to 
> read the output of plugin. All another checks (disk, load...) work well.
> Can you help me, please? It's very urgent.
> Thanks.
> Carole.
>#! /bin/sh
># latigid010 at yahoo.com
># 01/06/2000
>#  This Nagios plugin was created to check Oracle status
>PROGNAME=`basename $0`
>PROGPATH=`echo $0 | sed -e 's,[\\/][^\\/][^\\/]*$,,'`
>REVISION=`echo '$Revision: 1.9 $' | sed -e 's/[^0-9.]//g'`
>. $PROGPATH/utils.sh
>print_usage() {
>  echo "Usage:"
>  echo "  $PROGNAME --tns <Oracle Sid or Hostname/IP address>"
>  echo "  $PROGNAME --db <ORACLE_SID>"
>  echo "  $PROGNAME --login <ORACLE_SID>"
>  echo "  $PROGNAME --oranames <Hostname>"
>  echo "  $PROGNAME --help"
>  echo "  $PROGNAME --version"
>print_help() {
>  print_revision $PROGNAME $REVISION
>  echo ""
>  print_usage
>  echo ""
>  echo "Check Oracle status"
>  echo ""
>  echo "--tns SID/IP Address"
>  echo "   Check remote TNS server"
>  echo "--db SID"
>  echo "   Check local database (search /bin/ps for PMON process) and check"
>  echo "   filesystem for sgadefORACLE_SID.dbf"
>  echo "--login SID"
>  echo "   Attempt a dummy login and alert if not ORA-01017: invalid username/password"
>  echo "--cache"
>  echo "   Check local database for library and buffer cache hit ratios"
>  echo "       --->  Requires Oracle user/password and SID specified."
>  echo "       		--->  Requires select on v_$sysstat and v_$librarycache"
>  echo "--tablespace"
>  echo "   Check local database for tablespace capacity in ORACLE_SID"
>  echo "       --->  Requires Oracle user/password specified."
>  echo "       		--->  Requires select on dba_data_files and dba_free_space"
>  echo "--oranames Hostname"
>  echo "   Check remote Oracle Names server"
>  echo "--help"
>  echo "   Print this help screen"
>  echo "--version"
>  echo "   Print version and license information"
>  echo ""
>  echo "If the plugin doesn't work, check that the ORACLE_HOME environment"
>  echo "variable is set, that ORACLE_HOME/bin is in your PATH, and the"
>  echo "tnsnames.ora file is locatable and is properly configured."
>  echo ""
>  echo "When checking local database status your ORACLE_SID is case sensitive."
>  echo ""
>  echo "If you want to use a default Oracle home, add in your oratab file:"
>  echo "*:/opt/app/oracle/product/7.3.4:N"
>  echo ""
>  support
>case "$1" in
>    cmd='--tns'
>    ;;
>    cmd='--db'
>    ;;
>    cmd="$1"
>    ;;
># Information options
>case "$cmd" in
>		print_help
>    exit $STATE_OK
>    ;;
>		print_help
>    exit $STATE_OK
>    ;;
>		print_revision $PLUGIN $REVISION
>    exit $STATE_OK
>    ;;
>		print_revision $PLUGIN $REVISION
>    exit $STATE_OK
>    ;;
># Hunt down a reasonable ORACLE_HOME
>if [ -z "$ORACLE_HOME" ] ; then
>	# Adjust to taste
>	for oratab in /var/opt/oracle/oratab /etc/oratab
>	do
>	[ ! -f $oratab ] && continue
>		while read SID ORACLE_HOME junk;
>		do
>			if [ "$SID" = "$2" -o "$SID" = "*" ] ; then
>				echo $ORACLE_HOME;
>				exit;
>			fi;
>		done < $oratab`
>	[ -n "$ORACLE_HOME" ] && break
>	done
># Last resort
>[ -z "$ORACLE_HOME" -a -d $PROGPATH/oracle ] && ORACLE_HOME=$PROGPATH/oracle
>if [ -z "$ORACLE_HOME" -o ! -d "$ORACLE_HOME" ] ; then
>	echo "Cannot determine ORACLE_HOME for sid $2"
>case "$cmd" in
>    tnschk=` tnsping $2`
>    tnschk2=` echo  $tnschk | grep -c OK`
>    if [ ${tnschk2} -eq 1 ] ; then 
>	tnschk3=` echo $tnschk | sed -e 's/.*(//' -e 's/).*//'`
>	echo "OK - reply time ${tnschk3} from $2"
>	exit $STATE_OK
>    else
>	echo "No TNS Listener on $2"
>    fi
>    ;;
>    namesctl status $2 | awk '
>    /Server has been running for:/ {
>	msg = "OK: Up"
>	for (i = 6; i <= NF; i++) {
>	    msg = msg " " $i
>	}
>	status = '$STATE_OK'
>    }
>    /error/ {
>	msg = "CRITICAL: " $0
>	status = '$STATE_CRITICAL'
>    }
>    END {
>	print msg
>	exit status
>    }'
>    ;;
>    pmonchk=`ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep ${2}$ | grep -c pmon`
>    if [ ${pmonchk} -ge 1 ] ; then
>	echo "0"
>	#echo "${2} OK - ${pmonchk} PMON process(es) running"
>	#exit $STATE_OK
>    #if [ -f $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/sga*${2}* ] ; then
>	#if [ ${pmonchk} -eq 1 ] ; then
>    #utime=`ls -la $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/sga*$2* | cut -c 43-55`
>	    #echo "${2} OK - running since ${utime}"
>	    #exit $STATE_OK
>	#fi
>    else
>	echo "1"
>	#echo "${2} Database is DOWN"
>    fi
>    ;;
>    loginchk=`sqlplus dummy/user@$2 < /dev/null`
>    loginchk2=` echo  $loginchk | grep -c ORA-01017`
>    if [ ${loginchk2} -eq 1 ] ; then 
>	echo "OK - dummy login connected"
>	exit $STATE_OK
>    else
>	loginchk3=` echo "$loginchk" | grep "ORA-" | head -1`
>	echo "CRITICAL - $loginchk3"
>    fi
>    ;;
>    if [ ${5} -gt ${6} ] ; then
>	echo "UNKNOWN - Warning level is less then Crit"
>    fi
>    result=`sqlplus -s ${3}/${4}@${2} << EOF
>set pagesize 0
>select (1-(pr.value/(dbg.value+cg.value)))*100
>from v\\$sysstat pr, v\\$sysstat dbg, v\\$sysstat cg
>where pr.name='physical reads'
>and dbg.name='db block gets'
>and cg.name='consistent gets';
>    if [ -n "`echo $result | grep ORA-`" ] ; then
>      error=` echo "$result" | grep "ORA-" | head -1`
>      echo "CRITICAL - $error"
>      exit $STATE_CRITICAL
>    fi
>    buf_hr=`echo $result | awk '{print int($1)}'` 
>    result=`sqlplus -s ${3}/${4}@${2} << EOF
>set pagesize 0
>select sum(lc.pins)/(sum(lc.pins)+sum(lc.reloads))*100
>from v\\$librarycache lc;
>    if [ -n "`echo $result | grep ORA-`" ] ; then
>      error=` echo "$result" | grep "ORA-" | head -1`
>      echo "CRITICAL - $error"
>      exit $STATE_CRITICAL
>    fi
>    lib_hr=`echo $result | awk '{print int($1)}'`
>    if [ $buf_hr -le ${5} -o $lib_hr -le ${5} ] ; then
>  	echo "${2} CRITICAL - Cache Hit Rates: $lib_hr% Lib -- $buf_hr% Buff"
>    fi
>    if [ $buf_hr -le ${6} -o $lib_hr -le ${6} ] ; then
>  	echo "${2} WARNING  - Cache Hit Rates: $lib_hr% Lib -- $buf_hr% Buff"
>    fi
>    echo "${2} OK - Cache Hit Rates: $lib_hr% Lib -- $buf_hr% Buff"
>    exit $STATE_OK
>    ;;
>    if [ ${6} -lt ${7} ] ; then
>	echo "UNKNOWN - Warning level is more then Crit"
>    fi
>    result=`sqlplus -s ${3}/${4}@${2} << EOF
>set pagesize 0
>select b.free,a.total,100 - trunc(b.free/a.total * 1000) / 10 prc
>from (
>select tablespace_name,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 total
>from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) A,
>( select tablespace_name,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 free
>from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) B
>where a.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name and a.tablespace_name='${5}';
>    if [ -n "`echo $result | grep ORA-`" ] ; then
>      error=` echo "$result" | grep "ORA-" | head -1`
>      echo "CRITICAL - $error"
>      exit $STATE_CRITICAL
>    fi
>    ts_free=`echo $result | awk '{print int($1)}'` 
>    ts_total=`echo $result | awk '{print int($2)}'` 
>    ts_pct=`echo $result | awk '{print int($3)}'` 
>    if [ $ts_free -eq 0 -a $ts_total -eq 0 -a $ts_pct -eq 0 ] ; then
>        echo "No data returned by Oracle - tablespace $5 not found?"
>        exit $STATE_UNKNOWN
>    fi
>    if [ $ts_pct -ge ${6} ] ; then
>  	echo "${2} : ${5} CRITICAL - $ts_pct% used [ $ts_free / $ts_total MB available ]"
>    fi
>    if [ $ts_pct -ge ${7} ] ; then
>  	echo "${2} : ${5} WARNING  - $ts_pct% used [ $ts_free / $ts_total MB available ]"
>    fi
>    echo "${2} : ${5} OK - $ts_pct% used [ $ts_free / $ts_total MB available ]"
>    exit $STATE_OK
>    ;;
>    print_usage

Ingénieur Système
CICT - Université Paul Sabatier
118, route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse Cedex
Mail: verdon at cict.fr

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