[Nagiosplug-devel] check_by_ssh patch

Howard Wilkinson howard at cohtech.com
Wed Mar 31 00:32:11 CEST 2004


my approach has been that we should make the plugin writers life easier, 
even if learning a bit more about how to write a plug-in becomes a 
necessity. So I am looking to replicate the framework approach from Perl 
into C. Big advantage that C will have is that it will be able to lots 
of things at compile time, that Perl gets to do a invocation time. Big 
disadvantage is the library will be a much larger body of work and I am 
putting it off until I can assume I have the Perl framework sufficiently 
stable to act as an exemplar of what to achieve if not a how to achieve 
it. I have thought about using a embedded Perl interpreter in the 'C' 
code plugins. But I assume this would go down like a lead balloon for 
performance reasons!

Regards, Howard.

Karl DeBisschop wrote:

>On Tue, 30 Mar 2004 20:23:24 +0100
>Howard Wilkinson <howard at cohtech.com> wrote:
>>A simple patch for check_by_ssh which produces usage output on a
>>single line. This is a quick fix to providing a Usage parsing
>Now I see why you disregarded the existing developer guidelines so many
>Could the usage parsing interface be done at the source level?
>The reason I ask is because we really need a tool to do it there anyway.
>Several times we have either provided an option and failed to document
>it, or provided documentation for an option that was not added to the
>getopt array or was not handled on the getopt processing.
>So I have come to believe we need a cdoe checker for that case. It would
>seem that a usage parse tree would be a natural outcome of such a
>checkier. And would tie into discussions about embedded docbook
>documentation which could be used to generate help doc in man page,
>html, or PDF format.

Howard Wilkinson
	+44(20)7690 7075
Coherent Technology Limited
33 Belgrade Road, Stoke Newington,
London, United Kingdom, N16 8DH
	<mailto:howard at cohtech.com>howard at cohtech.com

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