[Nagiosplug-devel] check_dhcp unicast patch

Andreas Ericsson ae at op5.se
Fri Jun 10 06:53:55 CEST 2005

Ahoy. First off, sorry for the last patch, which was slightly on the 
large side. I should have compressed it, probably.

Heiti Ernits, an employee at Boras Kommun has added unicast support to 
the check_dchp plugin. I reworked it a bit to be more general and 
removed the hardcoded stuff. I also added detection of ones own 
IP-address to use for the return route.

It gives check_dhcp the ability to mimic a dhcp-relay server, which use 
unicast when talking to the server and therefore can be used to query 
dhcp-servers on separate and even remote subnets. There are routing 
rules ofcourse. Querying a dhcp-server with ip on subnet A 
from on subnet B won't work, as the dhcp-server then will 
redirect its responses to a host on the same subnet (which may or may 
not exist) rather than the correct server. Sane networks probably won't 
suffer from it, and it may be possible to work around it (although I 
can't imagine how).

Apply with patch -p1 < nagiosplug-check_dhcp-unicast.diff

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson at op5.se
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Lead Developer
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