[Nagiosplug-devel] RRD database check script

Yves Martin yves.martin at elca.ch
Tue Feb 21 04:42:04 CET 2006


 I have improved the "check_rrd_data.pl" (switch debug message)

 and create a "check_rrd_percent.pl" for my own usage: compute the

 % of disk used from cacti rrd file

 And I do not want to create a new project.

 Is it possible for somebody having "nagiosexchange" account to

 my scripts in "Databases / RDD databases" project ? Thank you in



#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

# check_rrd_data plugin for nagios


# usage:

#    check_rrd_data.pl rrdfile datasource warning critical


# Copyright Notice: GPL

use lib "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/";

use utils qw(%ERRORS $TIMEOUT);

use RRDs;

use strict;			# RRD:File and utils.pm don't like this

$ENV{'PATH'} = "/bin:/usr/bin";

$ENV{'ENV'} = "";

use constant DEBUG => 0;

if (scalar @ARGV != 1 && scalar @ARGV != 4) {

	print STDERR "Usage: check_rrd_data.pl rrdfile datasource warning

	print STDERR "   or check_rrd_data.pl rrdfile   to list available
 data sources.\n";



# Default

# Guess which RRD file have to be opened

my $rrdfile = $ARGV[0] if (-r $ARGV[0]);		# First the parameter

	print "\$rrdfile = $rrdfile\n" if DEBUG;

my $ds = defined $ARGV[1]?$ARGV[1]:0;

	print "\$ds = " . $ds . "\n" if DEBUG;

$ds =~ s/\$//g;		# Sometimes Nagios gives 1$ as the last parameter

my $warn = defined $ARGV[2] ? $ARGV[2] : 0;

	print "\$warn = " . $warn . "\n" if DEBUG;

my $crit = defined $ARGV[3] ? $ARGV[3] : 0;

	print "\$crit = " . $crit . "\n" if DEBUG;

my ($last) = RRDs::last ($rrdfile);

	print "\$last: ","$last\n" if DEBUG;

my ($start,$step,$names,$data) = RRDs::fetch ($rrdfile,"AVERAGE","-s",$

$last = $start;

($start,$step,$names,$data) = RRDs::fetch ($rrdfile,"AVERAGE","-s",$las

if (DEBUG) {

  print "Start:       ", scalar localtime($start), " ($start)\n";

  print "Step size:   $step seconds\n";

  print "DS names:    ", join (", ", @$names)."\n";

  print "Data points: ", $#$data + 1, "\n";

  print "Data:\n";

  foreach my $line (@$data) {

    print "  ", scalar localtime($start), " ($start) ";

    $start += $step;

    foreach my $val (@$line) {

      printf "%12d ", $val;


    print "\n";



my $i;

my $found_index;

for ($i= 0; $i < @$names; $i++) {

	if (@$names[$i] eq $ds) {

	    $found_index = $i;




if (!defined($found_index)) {

	print "Available data sources in $rrdfile: " . join (", ", @$names)
 . "\n";



my $value = @$data[0]->[$found_index];

	printf "DS Index: %d value: %s\n", $found_index, "$value" if DEBUG;

# First check for critical errors

if ($value > $crit) {

	print "RRD CRITICAL ", "$ds:", " $value\n";



# Check for warnings

if ($value > $warn) {

	print "RRD WARNING ", "$ds:", " $value\n";



# Normally returns 0 (OK)

print "RRD Check OK ", "$ds:", " $value\n";

exit $ERRORS{'OK'};




#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

# check_rrd_percent plugin for nagios


# usage:

#    check_rrd_percent.pl rrdfile datasource1 datasource2 warning


# Copyright Notice: GPL


use lib "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/";

use utils qw(%ERRORS $TIMEOUT);

use RRDs;

use strict;			# RRD:File and utils.pm don't like this

$ENV{'PATH'} = "/bin:/usr/bin";

$ENV{'ENV'} = "";

use constant DEBUG => 0;

if (scalar @ARGV != 1 && scalar @ARGV != 5) {

	print STDERR "Usage: check_rrd_data.pl rrdfile datasource1 datasource2
 warning critical\n";

	print STDERR "   or check_rrd_data.pl rrdfile   to list available
 data sources.\n";



# Default

# Guess which RRD file have to be opened

my $rrdfile = $ARGV[0] if (-r $ARGV[0]);		# First the parameter

	print "\$rrdfile = $rrdfile\n" if DEBUG;

my $ds1 = defined $ARGV[1]?$ARGV[1]:0;

	print "\$ds1 = " . $ds1 . "\n" if DEBUG;

$ds1 =~ s/\$//g;		# Sometimes Nagios gives 1$ as the last parameter

my $ds2 = defined $ARGV[2]?$ARGV[2]:0;

	print "\$ds2 = " . $ds2 . "\n" if DEBUG;

$ds2 =~ s/\$//g;		# Sometimes Nagios gives 1$ as the last parameter

my $warn = defined $ARGV[3] ? $ARGV[3] : 0;

	print "\$warn = " . $warn . "\n" if DEBUG;

my $crit = defined $ARGV[4] ? $ARGV[4] : 0;

	print "\$crit = " . $crit . "\n" if DEBUG;

my ($last) = RRDs::last ($rrdfile);

	print "\$last: ","$last\n" if DEBUG;

my ($start,$step,$names,$data) = RRDs::fetch ($rrdfile,"AVERAGE","-s",$

$last = $start;

($start,$step,$names,$data) = RRDs::fetch ($rrdfile,"AVERAGE","-s",$las

if (DEBUG) {

  print "Start:       ", scalar localtime($start), " ($start)\n";

  print "Step size:   $step seconds\n";

  print "DS names:    ", join (", ", @$names)."\n";

  print "Data points: ", $#$data + 1, "\n";

  print "Data:\n";

  foreach my $line (@$data) {

    print "  ", scalar localtime($start), " ($start) ";

    $start += $step;

    foreach my $val (@$line) {

      printf "%12d ", $val;


    print "\n";



my $i;

my $found_index1;

my $found_index2;

for ($i= 0; $i < @$names; $i++) {

	if (@$names[$i] eq $ds1) {

	    $found_index1 = $i;


	if (@$names[$i] eq $ds2) {

	    $found_index2 = $i;



if (!defined($found_index1) || !defined($found_index2)) {

	print "Available data sources in $rrdfile: " . join (", ", @$names)
 . "\n";



my $value1 = @$data[0]->[$found_index1];

	printf "DS Index: %d value: %s\n", $found_index1, "$value1" if

my $value2 = @$data[0]->[$found_index2];

	printf "DS Index: %d value: %s\n", $found_index2, "$value2" if

my $value = $value1 / ($value1 + $value2) * 100;

	print "Percentage datasource1/(datasource1+datasource2)*100 =
 $value\n" if DEBUG;


# First check for critical errors

if ($value > $crit) {

	print "RRD CRITICAL ", "$ds1/($ds1+$ds2) % :", " $value\n";



# Check for warnings

if ($value > $warn) {

	print "RRD WARNING ", "$ds1/($ds1+$ds2) % :", " $value\n";



# Normally returns 0 (OK)

print "RRD Check OK ", "$ds1/($ds1+$ds2) % :", " $value\n";

exit $ERRORS{'OK'};


- Yves Martin (ymartin)


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