[Nagiosplug-devel] Using Nagios to log a host event to an external data-base

sean finney seanius at seanius.net
Tue May 2 23:54:17 CEST 2006

hi carlos,

On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 04:38:42PM -0300, Carlos Rodrigues Pimentel wrote:
> Please, can you give some light about using Nagios to log to an external
> data-base at the same time that it sends a notification by e-mail?

you should probably take this up on the nagios-devel or nagios-user
mailing list, as the plugins project is not the part of nagios
in which this would be implmeneted.  depending on how you want to
implement it (notification hook, ndo2db, NEB), it shouldn't be too hard.

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